'How and why setting up a company in Europe working on the particles accelerator field', Proc IPAC2023, Venice, Italy (2023) (C.P. Welsch)
'Physics of Star Wars', Proc IPAC2023, Venice, Italy (2023) (C.P. Welsch)
'The Physics of Star Wars, Lymm Summer Festival, 29 June 2022 (C.P. Welsch)
'Driving Innovation in Researcher Training', UKRO MSCA Workshop, 7 June 2022 (C.P. Welsch)
'Hollywood Physics', Pint of Science, Liverpool, 11 May 2022 (C.P. Welsch)
'Accelerators for Science & Society', University of Liverpool Maths School, 1 April 2022 (C.P. Welsch)
'Science and technology drive knowledge and prosperity', University of Liverpool Maths School, 12 March 2022 (C.P. Welsch)
'Training of scientific and technical staff', 2nd Joint ECFA-NuPECC-ApPEC JENAS-Symposium, Madrid, Spain, 3-6 May 2022 (C.P. Welsch)
'How to write competitive research proposals', LIV.DAT Career Skills Workshop, Liverpool, 8 March 2022 (C.P. Welsch)
'Careers in Academia', LIV.DAT Career Skills Workshop, Liverpool, 7 March 2022 (C.P. Welsch)
'Welcome to the 5th FCC Physics Workshop', 5th FCC Physics Workshop, online, 7 February 2022 (C.P. Welsch)
'Science in the Movies', Bangor Physics Teachers' Conference Online 2021, 7 July 2021 (C.P. Welsch)
'Hollywood Physics', Lymm summer Festival, 29 June 2021 (C.P. Welsch)
'Gas Jet In-Vivo Dosimetry for Particle Beam Therapy', IPAC21, virtual conference, 28 May 2021 (J. Wolfenden)
'The Effect of Electron Beam Velocity Distribution on Electron-Cooling at Elena', IPAC21, virtual conference, 27 May 2021 (B. Veglia)
‘The efficient outcoupling of terahertz radiation from relativistic beam driven dielectric lined waveguides’, 2021 APS April meeting, 16-20 April 2021 (M. Yadav)
'Accelerators for Science and Society', University of Chester, UK, 29 January 2021 (C.P. Welsch)
'Hollywood Physics', Daresbury Talking Science, 27 January 2021, Daresbury (C.P. Welsch)
'Beam diagnostics for medical application', CCAP plenary meeting 7, 16th Dec 2020 (H. Zhang)
'Proton beam diagnostics', IOP workshop on accelerator technology for particle therapy, UK, 7th Dec 2020 (H. Zhang)
'Researcher Career Pathways', AVA Advanced Researcher Skills Workshop (online), 27 October 2020 (C.P. Welsch)
'Innovative Radiometric Diagnostics for Future Linear Accelerators', LINAC 2020 Virtual Conference, Liverpool, UK, 2 September 2020 (J. Wolfenden)
'From nuclear energy to cancer treatment: The value of physics in everyday life', webinar series, 10-24 July 2020 (T. Primidis)
'Science and technology drive knowledge and prosperity', STFC Staff Seminar, Daresbury, 11 May 2020 (C.P. Welsch)
‘Status on e-cooling simulations with BETACOOL and RF-Track’, E-beam working group meeting, CERN, 20 May 2020 (B. Veglia)
'Accelerators Validating Antimatter research project', International School on Precision Studies, Prague, Czech Republic, 23 March 2020 (C.P. Welsch)
'Shaping the future of mobile 3D X-ray imaging using computer simulations', STEM for BRITAIN 2020, Portcullis House, London, United Kingdom, 9 March 2020 (T. Primidis)
'Conversational presentations as part of the student learning experience', L&T seminar, University of Liverpool, UK, 13 February 2020 (C.P. Welsch)
'Image quality assessment from end-to-end Monte Carlo simulations of a 45-source 3D X-ray imaging system', 24th UK Monte Carlo User Group Meeting (MCNEG 2020), Culham Conference Centre, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom, 14-15 January 2020 (T. Primidis)
'Physics of Star Wars', CTL Liverpool, UK, 20 November 2019 (C.P. Welsch)
'A dice game of life and death', Institute of Physics 3 Minute Wonder, Liverpool Science Park, Liverpool, United Kingdom, 13 November 2019 (T. Primidis)
'PERLE injector design', Electrons for the LHC: Workshop on the LHeC, FFC-eh and PERLE, Chavannes de Bogis, Switzerland, 24 October 2019 (B. Hounsell)
'Data Acquisition, Data Analysis and Simulation Tools in a Test Bench Environment', Topical Workshop on Machine-Experiment Interface, Cosylab, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 10-11 October 2019 (B. Galante)
'Surface Data Acquisition and its Challenges', Topical Workshop on Machine-Experiment Interface, Cosylab, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 10-11 October 2019 (L. Soomary)
‘Electron Cooling at LEIR’, AVA Topical Workshop on ‘Machine- Experiment Interface’, Cosylab, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 11 October 2019 (B. Veglia)
'Etude et optimisation de la dynamique non linéaire et 6-dimensionnelle d’un faisceau d’électrons dans un anneau de stockage ayant une émittance ultra-faible', Journées Accélérateurs Roscoff, France, 2 October 2019 (L. Hoummi)
'Dissemination of CDR and EuPRAXIA results', EuPRAXIA workshop, DESY, Hamburg, Germany, 18 October 2019 (C.P. Welsch)
'Geometric optimization study for a dielectric laser accelerator’, European Advanced Accelerator Concepts Workshop (EAAC2019), Elba, Italy, 16 September 2019 (G. Yadav)
'Monte Carlo modelling of the Clatterbridge Proton Therapy beamline for Beam Diagnostics integration' , International Conference on Medical Accelerators and Particle Therapy, Seville, Spain, 5 September 2019 (J. Yap)
'Characterisation of the LHCb VELO detector modules as a non-invasive Proton Beam Monitor', International Conference on Medical Accelerators and Particle Therapy, Seville, Spain, 4 September 2019 (R. Schnuerer)
'State of the art in ion beam therapy', International Conference on Medical Accelerators and Particle Therapy, Seville, Spain, 4 September 2019 (C.P. Welsch)
'Researcher Career Pathways', Careers Workshop, Seville, Spain, 2 September 2019 (C.P. Welsch)
'Researcher Career Opportunities in India', Careers workshop, Sevilla, Spain, 2 September 2019 (N.Kumar)
'Generation of cold electrons for an eV electron cooler', IVNC and IVESC Conference, Cincinnati, 22 July to 26 July 2019 (B. Galante)
'Study of Cold Electron Emission Sources for a Cold Cathode Electron Gun', Topical Workshop on Low Energy Facility Design and Optimization Through Diagnostics, GSI, Darmstadt, 6-7 July 2019 (B. Galante)
'Accelerators for Science and Society', International Symposium, ACC Liverpool, UK, 28 June 2019 (C.P. Welsch)
'How to write competitive research proposals', Advanced Researcher Skills Workshop, University of Liverpool, UK, 24 June 2019 (C.P. Welsch)
'Future perspectives in Hadron therapy', Advanced School on Medical Accelerators and Particle Therapy, Vienna, Austria, 5 April 2019 (C.P. Welsch)
'Fundamental research - understanding the world around us', Symposium on Particle Colliders - Accerating Innovation, ACC Liverpool, UK, 22 March 2019 (C.P. Welsch)
‘Kinematics of electron beam cooling and performance optimization’, AVA Topical Workshop on ‘Low energy facility design and optimization through diagnostics’, GSI, Germany, 6 February 2019 (B. Veglia)
'Advanced diagnostics for charged particle beams', CERN Knowledge Exchange Workshop, Daresbury, 30 January 2019 (C.P. Welsch)
'Design and optimisation of ultra-compact, high-resolution X-ray imaging systems', 3rd OMA Topical Workshop - Medical Accelerator Design & Diagnostics, GSI, Darmstadt, Germany, 11 - 12 December 2018 (T. Primidis)
'Monte Carlo modelling of the Clatterbridge Proton Therapy beam line', J S.L. Yap, M. Hentz, A. Kacperek, R. Schnuerer, S. Jolly and C.P. Welsch, Engineering and Physical Sciences in Medicine Conference 2018, Adelaide, Australia (J S.L. Yap)
'Accelerating Innovations', Lab Innovations 2018, Birmingham, UK, 22 November 2018 (C. P. Welsch)
'Optimisation of multiple-source X-ray imaging systems with Monte Carlo methods', EPSM 2018, , Adelaide Convention Centre, Adelaide, Australia, 29-31 October 2018 (T. Primidis)
'Physics of Star Wars', Daresbury Laboratory, UK, 22 October 2018 (C.P. Welsch)
'Modification of the ALICE electron gun electron system for operation at 500 pC', National vacuum electronics conference 2018 (NVEC2018), Oxford, England, 10th September 2018 (B. Hounsell)
'Design of the PERLE injector', Electrons for the LHC: Workshop on the LHeC/FCC-eh and PERLE, Orsay, France, 27 June 2018 (B. Hounsell)
'European medical accelerator networks and design perpectives', 21 June 2018, Workshop on “Ions for cancer therapy, space research and material science”, Archamps, France (C.P. Welsch)
'Halo dose correlation in a medical accelerator', Topical Workshop on Diagnostics for Beam and Patient Monitoring, CERN, 4-5 June 2018 (J.Yap)
'Implementation of a Non-invasive Online Beam Monitor at a 60 MeV Proton therapy beamline', R. Schnuerer, J S.L. Yap*, H. Zhang, G.J. Haefeli, O. Girard, M. Hentz, T. Szumlak and C.P. Welsch, PTCOG 2018, Cincinatti, United States (J S.L. Yap)
'Science and technology drive knowledge and prosperity', Pint of Science, HUS, Liverpool, UK, 16 May 2018 (C.P. Welsch)
'Stephen Hawking, black holes and how scientists study the university in a lab', Open House, Victoria Gallery and Museum, Liverpool, UK, 15 May 2018 (C.P. Welsch)
'Optical Diagnostics for Extreme Beam Conditions', IPAC18, Vancouver, Canada, 3 May 2018 (R. Fiorito)
'Study of Ultra-High Gradient Acceleration in Carbon Nanotube Arrays', IPAC18, Vancouver, Canada, 1 May 2018 (J. Resta-Lopez)
'Accelerators Validating Antimatter Physics', Low Energy Antiproton Conference, Paris, France, 15 March 2018 (C.P.Welsch)
'AWAKE Beam Diagnostics in Phase II', AWAKE Collaboration Meeting, Cockcroft Institute, UK, 13 March 2018 (C.P. Welsch)
'Accelerating Cancer Research', International Conference on Advanced Radiotherapy, Paris, France, 22-24 February 2018 (C.P. Welsch)
'Optimization of Medical Accelerators', Workshop on Intelligent Accelerator Control Systems, Daresbury, UK, 30-31 January 2018 (C.P. Welsch)
'Accelerating Cancer Therapy', IET Meeting, Ledsham, UK, 8 February2018 (C.P. Welsch)
'Physics of Star Wars', CTL Liverpool, UK, 27 November 2017, (C.P. Welsch)
'Research project management', Leadership workshop, Liverpool, UK, 8 November 2017 (C.P. Welsch)
'Accelerating Researcher Training', Marie Curie Day 2017, Liverpool-Geneva-Munich, 5 November 2017 (C.P. Welsch)
'ITN Case Study - successful applicant’s perspective', UKRO ITN Workshop, London, UK, 25 October 2017 (C.P. Welsch)
'Energy efficiency studies on the dual-grating dielectric laser-driven accelerators (DLAs)', 24-30 September 2017 EAAC17, Isola d'Elba (Y. Wei)
'Low energy, low intensity beam diagnostics', 23 August 2017, IBIC17, Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA (C. P. Welsch)
'Accelerator applications', UCLA, USA, 4 August 2017 (C.P. Welsch)
'Accelerators for Science and Society', SLAC, USA, 1 August 2017, (C.P. Welsch)
'Instrumentation and Diagnostics Challenges for Medical Accelerators', VHEE17, Daresbury, UK 25 July 2017 (C.P. Welsch)
'Accelerating Researcher Careers', HEA Annual Conference 2017, Manchester, UK, 6 July 2017 (C.P. Welsch and A. Alexandrova)
'Academia-industry collaboration in postgraduate’s training', HEA Annual Conference 2017, Manchester, UK, 6 July 2017 (C.P. Welsch)
'Role of industry in advanced researcher training schemes', 1 July 2017, Libera Workshop 2017, Vipolže, Goriška Brda, Slovenia (A. Alexandrova)
'What does a physicist do?', Chapelford School, Warrington, UK, 12 June 2017 (C.P. Welsch)
'OMA Optimization of Medical Accelerators – Introduction', 5 June 2017, OMA School on Medical Accelerators, Pavia, Italy (M. Klimontowska)
'Beam Physics Fundamentals', 5 June 2017, OMA School on Medical Accelerators, Pavia, Italy (J. Resta López)
'Diagnostics for Charged Particle Beams', 5 June 2017, OMA School on Medical Accelerators, Pavia, Italy (R. Fiorito)
'Industry as a Career Path for Physicists', IPAC17, Copenhagen, Denmark, 16 May 2017 (C.P. Welsch)
'Non-Destructive Beam Profile Monitors', 16 May 2017, IPAC 17, Copenhagen, Denmark (C. P. Welsch)
'Accelerators for Science & Society', 7 March 2017, PTB, Braunschweig, Germany (C.P. Welsch)
'Medicine – Accelerate it !', 19 January 2017, BERTI Symposium, Munich (C.P. Welsch)
'Optimization of Medical Accelerators through international Collaboration', 12 December 2016, Proton therapy network, Manchester (C.P. Welsch)
'Research Project Managemen', 16 November 2016, Research Leaders Course, Liverpool, UK (C.P. Welsch)
'Gas jet based diagnostics for beam monitoring', 15 November 2016, 6th HLLHC Meeting, Paris, France (C.P. Welsch)
'Accelerators & Lasers - Drivers of Innovation', 24 October 2016, Novel Accelerators Workshop, Paris, France (C.P. Welsch)
'Excellent research through training innovations', 12 October 2016, CALIFES Workshop, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland (C.P. Welsch)
'Accelerating to the Speed of Light', 27 Setpember 2016, IET Talk, Birkenhead, UK (C.P. Welsch)
'BLMs - Indispensable Tools for Accelerator Operation & Optimization', 15 September 2016, BLM Workshop, Barcelona, Spain (C.P. Welsch)
'Accelerators Validating Antimatter Physics', 17 September 2016, SPARC Workshop, Krakow, Poland (L.J. Devlin)
'Development of Advanced Diagnostics for Science and Society', 16 August 2016, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany (C.P. Welsch)
'Optimization of Medical Accelerators through international Collaboration', 10 August 2016, LMU Munich, Germany (C.P. Welsch)
'Developments in Non-destructive Beam Profile Monitors', 07 July 2016, HB 2016 Conference, Malmoe, Sweden (C. P. Welsch)
'Influential Leadership in a collaborative research environment', Leadership and Management Course, University of Liverpool, 6 July 2016 (C. P. Welsch)
'A European Plasma Accelerator – Communication & Outreach', 29 June2016, EuPRAXIA Science Event, Pisa, Italy (C. P. Welsch)
'Careers in the Academy', 27 June 2016, Researcher Careers Workshop, Krakow, Poland (C. P. Welsch)
'Spin-off company – taking your future in your own hands', 27 June 2016, Researcher Careers Workshop, Krakow, Poland (A. Alexandrova)
'Alternative career pathways – personal experience', 27 June 2016, Researcher Careers Workshop, Krakow, Poland (R. Torres)
'Researcher Career Pathways', 27 June 2016, Researcher Careers Workshop, Krakow, Poland (C. P. Welsch)
'Accelerating Innovation', 15 June 2016, International Festival for Business, Liverpool, UK (C. P. Welsch)
'Beam Diagnostics for Low Energy Antiprotons’, 08 March 2016, LEAP Conference, Kanazawa, Japan (C.P. Welsch)
'Laser Application at Accelerators', 27-29 February 2016, 4th International Conference on Photoptics, Optics and Laser Technology (Photooptics 2016), Rome, Italy (A. Alexandrova)
'ESS Target Diagnostics Optical Design', 10 February 2016, ESS Beam Diagnostics Forum, Lund, Sweden (M. Ibison)
'Performance of Silicon Photomultipliers in photon number and time resolution', 06-10.07.2015, International Conference on New Photo-Detectors (PhotoDet 2015), Moscow, Russia (S. Vinogradov)
'Handing over the reins to post-graduate researchers (PGRs)', 02.7.2015, 13th Annual Learning and Teaching Conference, Liverpool, UK (R. Ashworth)
'Lasers and Accelerators for Science and Society', 26.06.2015, Symposium, ACC, Liverpool, UK (C.P. Welsch)
'Intra-beam Scattering Effects in ELENA', 06.05.2015, IPAC'15, Richmond, VA, USA (Javier Resta-López)
'SiPM performance: key factors and trade-offs, possible improvements and limitations', (22.-23.04.2015), Astroparticle Physics European Consortium (APPEC) Technology Forum, Munich, Germany (S. Vinogradov)
'Critical photodetector parameters for fast timing ', 14/15.04.2015, FAST meeting, Prague, Czech Republic (S. Vinogradov)
'Summary of SiPM studies and overview of applicability for Beam Loss Monitoring systems', 27.03.2015, Laser Applications at Accelerators Conference 2015, Mallorca, Spain (E. Nebot del Busto)
'Velocity measurements usuing self-mixing technique in laser diodes', 27.03.2015, Laser Applications at Accelerators Conference 2015, Mallorca, Spain (A. Alexandrova)
'Simulation Studies of the Beam Cooling Process in the ELENA Ring', 26.03.2015 Space-Charge 2015 workshop, Trinity College in Oxford,
UK (J. Resta Lopez)
'R&D on non-invasive beam profile measurements', 26.03.2015, FCC Study Week, Washington, USA (A. Jeff)
'Lasers and Accelerators as Drivers for Innovation', 25.03.2015, Laser Applications at Accelerators Conference 2015, Mallorca, Spain (C.P. Welsch)
'Study of laser shaping using Digital Micro-mirror-array device', 25.03.2015, Laser Applications at Accelerators Conference 2015, Mallorca, Spain (H. Zhang)
'Numerical optimization on dielectric laser-driven acceleration of electrons in a grating-based microstructure', 25.03.2015, Laser Applications at Accelerators Conference 2015, Mallorca, Spain (Y. Wei)
'Study of supersonic gas jet for beam profile monitoring', 24.03.2015, 5th Topical Workshop on Beam Diagnostics, Mallorca, Spain (H. Zhang)
'Laser SM-based velocimetry on Liquids', 24.03.2015, 5th Topical Workshop on Beam Diagnostics, Mallorca, Spain (A. Alexandrova)
'Analysis of SiPM response and performance in Beam Loss Monitoring applications', 24.03.2015, 5th Topical Workshop on Beam Diagnostics, Mallorca, Spain (S. Vinogradov)
'Optical Diagnostics – State of the art and Future Trends', 23.03.2015, 5th Topical Workshop on Beam Diagnostics, Mallorca, Spain (C.P. Welsch)
'Beam profile and emittance measurements using optical radiation', 23.03.2015, 5th Topical Workshop on Beam Diagnostics, Mallorca, Spain (R. Fiorito)
'Novel electron bunch length diagnostic using the angular distribution of coherent THz diffraction radiation', 19.03.2015, AGTAX 2015, Oxford University, UK (R. Fiorito)
'Numerical Tools for Accelerator Optimization', 11.03.2015, CaoPAC Workshop, GSI, Darmstadt, Germany (C.P. Welsch)
'Simulation techniques in beam instrumentation', 12.03.2015, CaoPAC Workshop, GSI, Darmstadt, Germany (A. Jeff)
'Optimization of dielectric grating laser accelerators', 28.10.2014, IoP Workshop on Novel Materials and Nanostructures for Particle Accelerators (Y. Wei)
'Probabilistic analysis of SiPM performance in calorimetric, time of flight, and beam loss monitoring applications', 17.10.2014, CERN Beam Instrumentation Seminar, Geneva, Switzerland (S. Vinogradov)
'SiPM performance in Cherenkov TOF Applications', 06.10.2014, LIGHT 2014, Ringberg Castle, Tegernsee, Germany (S. Vinogradov)
'Status of the BLM system for the CLIC Two-Beam Module and Damping Rings', 06.10.2014, LCWS14, Belgrade, Serbia (M. Kastriotou)
'Applications of Particle Accelerators', 29.09.2014, Advanced School on Laser Applications at Accelerators, Salamanca, Spain (C.P. Welsch)
'Beam instrumentation R&D in Europe and status of other ITN projects', 23.09.2014, CATHI Final Review Meeting, Barcelona, Spain (C.P. Welsch)
'Particle Beam Tracking with COMSOL Multiphysics®', 18.09.2014, COMSOL Conference 2014, Churchill College, Cambridge (O. Karamyshev)
'A Quantum Gas Jet for Non-Invasive Beam Profile Measurement', 16.09.2014, IBIC14, Monterey, USA (A. Jeff)
'Non-invasive beam monitoring', 09.09.2014, SOLEIL-Liverpool Symposium, Liverpool, UK (C.P. Welsch)
'Harnessing the Power of Particle Beams', 15.07.2014, CI Symposium, Daresbury, UK (C.P. Welsch)
'Beam Loss Monitoring - Detectors', 09.07.2014, oPAC Advanced School on Accelerator Optimization, RHUL, London, UK (S. Vinogradov)
'Beam Dynamics', 07.07.2014, oPAC Advanced School on Accelerator Optimization, RHUL, London, UK (C.P. Welsch)
'Influential Leadership in International Research Collaborations', 02.07.2014, Leadership and Management Course, University of Liverpool (C.P. Welsch)
'Best Practice in Delivering Researcher Training within International Networks', 26.06.2014, Learning and Teaching Conference, University of Liverpool (R. Ashworth)
'Researcher Skills Development', 26.06.2014, Learning and Teaching Conference, University of Liverpool (R. Galan)
'Accelerated learning for success', 25.06.2014, Euro Science Open Forum, Copenhagen, Denmark (C.P. Welsch)
'Accelerating green technology', 24.06.2014, Euro Science Open Forum, Copenhagen, Denmark (C.P. Welsch)
'Training Europe’s Future', 22.06.2014, Euro Science Open Forum, Copenhagen, Denmark (R. Ashworth)
'The Need of Complementary Skills to improve Employability of PGRs', 11.06.2014, HEA STEM Workshop, Cockcroft Institute, UK (C.P. Welsch)
'The development of a complementary skills school in a European context and adaptation for Liverpool PGRs', 11.06.2014, HEA STEM Workshop, Cockcroft Institute, UK (C.P. Welsch)
'Specific adaptation of skills training for first year PGRs', 11.06.2014, HEA STEM Workshop, Cockcroft Institute, UK (R. Galan)
'Specific adaptation of skills training for final year PGRs', 11.06.2014, HEA STEM Workshop, Cockcroft Institute, UK (R. Ashworth)
'Unravelling the Secrets of the Universe', 20.05.2014, Chapelford Primary School, Warrington, UK (A. Alexandrova and C.P. Welsch)
'The Ultra-low energy Storage Ring at FLAIR', 16.05.2014, FLAIR Collaboration meeting, Heidelberg, Germany
'Modeling & Electromagnetic Simulations of Beam Position Monitors (BPMs) for Extra Low ENergy Rings (ELENA)', 15.05.2014, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Middle East Technical University (METU), Ankara, Turkey (S.Naveed)
'Silicon Photomultipliers: state-of-art, challenges, and perspectives', 12.5.2014, CI Seminar, Daresbury, UK (S. Vinogradov)
'Silicon Photomultipliers for accelerator and medical applications', 08.05.2014, Beam Diagnostics Workshop, Vienna, Austria (S. Vinogradov)
'Challenges and Trends in Beam Diagnostics', 08.05.2014, Beam Diagnostics Workshop, Vienna, Austria (C.P. Welsch)
'Statistical considerations on SiPM parameters and performance', 24.4.2014, 2nd Advanced SiPM Workshop, Geneva, Switzerland (S. Vinogradov)
'Challenges of SiPM application for Cherenkov fiber Beam Loss Monitoring', 21.04.2014, DESY Radiation Instrumentation Seminar, Hamburg, Germany (S. Vinogradov)
'Cross-talk and afterpulsing: physics, statistics, measurements and impacts on SiPM performance', 20.04.2014, DESY Detectors Seminar, Hamburg, Germany (S. Vinogradov)
'Silicon Photomultipliers: probabilistic modelling and analysis', 07.04.2014, CI Seminar, Daresbury, UK (S. Vinogradov)
'Silicon Photomultipliers: measurement and characterization methodology', 03.03.2014, CI Seminar, Daresbury, UK (S. Vinogradov)
'Silicon Photomultipliers: physics, statistics, performance', 24.02.2014, CTA-UK Meeting, Durham University (S. Vinogradov)
'Silicon Photomultipliers: application areas and large projects', 03.02.2014, CI Seminar, Daresbury, UK (S. Vinogradov)
'Best Practice in ITN Coordination', 20.01.2014, TU Munich, Germany (C.P. Welsch)
'UK Diagnostic Developments for Proton Therapy', 17.01.2014, Modern Hadron Therapy Gantry Developments, Cockcroft Institute, UK (C.P. Welsch)
'State of the art in SiPM development and application', 20.12.2013, P.N. Lebedev Physical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia (S. Vinogradov)
'Challenges of SiPM application for beam loss monitoring with Cherenkov light detection', 18.12.2013, Int. Workshop on SiPM applications, National Research Nuclear University, Moscow, Russia (S. Vinogradov)
'High intensity proton beam diagnostics', 12.12.2013, Workshop on Accelerators for Future Spallation Sources: ESS, MYRRHA and the ISIS Upgrade, Cockcroft Institute, UK (C.P. Welsch)‚
'How to write a competitive grant application', 11.12.2013, School of Physical Sciences Research Leadership Training, Liverpool, UK (C.P. Welsch)
'Silicon Photomultipliers: physics, concepts, and designs', 02.12.2013, CI Seminar, Daresbury, UK (S. Vinogradov)
'Marie Curie Actions – Best practice', 11.12.2013, Horizon 2020 kick off meeting, Liverpool, UK (C.P. Welsch)
'ITN Coordination – Best practice', 15.11.2013, European Commission, Brussels, Belgium (C.P. Welsch)
'Cross-sector collaboration in Accelerator R&D', 20.9.2013, Thorlabs, Munich, Germany (C.P. Welsch)
'The LUPIN Detector: Supporting Least Intrusive Beam Monitoring Technique Through Neutron Detection', 18.09.2013, IBIC, Oxford, UK (Giacomo Manessi)
'How to characterize a beam – without touching it ?', 19.08.2013, KIT, Karlsruhe, Germany (C.P. Welsch)
'Industry-Academia Collaboration', 15.08.2013, CST AG, Darmstadt, Germany (C.P. Welsch)
'The Ultra-low energy Storage Ring at FLAIR', 13.06.2013, LEAP Conference, Uppsala, Sweden (O. Karamyshev)
'Roles & Goals of EC projects: A Vision for Europe - View of a University', 11.06.2013, EUCard2 kickoff meeting/Visions for the future of Particle Accelerators, Cern, Switzerland (C. P. Welsch)
'Total excess noise factor and time resolution of Silicon Photomultipliers', 30.4.2013, CERN Fast Timing Workshop, Ajaccio, France, (S. Vinogradov)
'Development of laser velocimeter', 19.04.2013, University of Bari, Italy (A. Alexandrova)
'Re-Structuring Post Graduate Researcher Training',18.4.2013. HEA STEM: Annual Learning and Teaching Conference, Birmingham, UK (C.P. Welsch)
'Employability in Europe: Enhancing Post Graduate Complementary Skills Training', 17.04.2013, HEA STEM: Annual Learning and Teaching Conference, Birmingham, UK (C.P. Welsch)
'Gas Jet Monitors', 15.04.2013, Topical Workshop - Non-Invasive Beam Size Measurement for High Brightness Proton and Heavy Ion Accelerators, CERN, Switzerland (A. Jeff)
'Use of Silicon Detectors in Proton Beam Diagnostics', 04.04.2013, Proton Accelerators for Science and Industry Workshop at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory in Harwell, Oxfordshire, UK (T. Cybulski)
'R&D into Laser Applications for Accelerators', 30.11.2012, Ludwig-Maximilians Universität, Munich, Germany (C. P. Welsch)
'CERN Accelerators School – Studies of a Beam Monitor for Halo Propagation Mechanisms', 03.11.2012, University of Granada, Spain (B. B. D. Lomberg/C. P. Welsch)
'Physics with low energy antiprotons', 11.10.2012, University of Sussex, UK (C. P. Welsch)
'Industry-Academia Collaboration', 10.10.2012, Soltan, Slovenia (S. Davies/C. P. Welsch)
'The Ultra-low Energy Storage Ring at FLAIR', 03.10.2012, ECT*, Trento, Italy (C. P. Welsch)
'Research & Training Initiatives in Accelerator Sciences', 02.08.2012,University of Mainz, Germany (C. P. Welsch)
'Accelerator and Beam Instrumentation R&D', 30.07.2012, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany (C. P. Welsch)
'Ions, Light and Antimatter: Novel Ways to Battle Cancer', 14.07.2012, Dublin, Ireland (C. P. Welsch)
'Quantum Systems and Accelerator Research', 16.05.2012, Cockcroft Institute, UK (C. P. Welsch)
'Design of Electrostatic Storage Rings & Beamlines', 25.01.2012, CERN, Switzerland (C. P. Welsch)
'New Trends in Beam Instrumentation R&D', 19.12.2011, TU Darmstadt, Germany (C. P. Welsch)
'Antimatter Research, Beam Diagnostics and International Researcher Training', 24.10.2011, Royal Holloway University of London, London (C. P. Welsch)
'Low Energy Antimatter Research', 28.09.2011, CERN, Switzerland (C. P. Welsch)
'Non-destructive Beam Profile Monitoring for Exotic Ion Beams', 15.09.2011, RIKEN Symposium, Liverpool, UK (C. P. Welsch)
'Physics of Low Energy Electrostatic Storage Rings', 04.07.2011, Search for Electric Dipole Moments at Storage Rings Workshop, Bad Honnef, Germany (A. Papash)
'Beam Diagnostics for Compact Light Sources', 22.05.2011, KACST, Saudi Arabia (C. P. Welsch)
'Antimatter Research and Beam Diagnostics R&D', 18.05.2011, University of Manchester (C. P. Welsch)
'Accelerator Research at the University of Liverpool', 04.05.2011, JUAS annual meeting, Heidelberg, Germany (C. P. Welsch)
'Ultra-low energy Storage Ring at FLAIR', 01.05.2011, LEAP Conference, Vancouver, Canada, (A. Papash)
'Progress Report on the USR', 21.02.2011, FLAIR Collaboration Meeting, Cockcroft Institute, UK (C. P. Welsch)
'Maximum achievable Q-value of superconducting cavities as a function of resonance frequency', 06.12.2010, TU Darmstadt, Germany (T. Junginger)
'Latest results of HOM simulations', 26.11.2010, 5th SPL collaboration meeting, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland (M. Schuh)
'Layout considerations based on passband modes', 26.11.2010, 5th SPL collaboration meeting, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland (M. Schuh)
'Finalizing the design of the magnetic shield of the SPL', 26.11.2010, 5th SPL collaboration meeting, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland (T. Junginger)
'Layout considerations based on passband modes', 26.11.2010, 5th SPL collaboration meeting, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland (M. Schuh)
'Design of an Antiproton Recycling Ring', 21.11.2010, ASACUSA collaboration meeting, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
'Low Energy Storage Rings: Opening Routes for Beyond State-of-the-art Research', 27.10.2010, SPS5 Conference, Abha, Saudi Arabia (C. P. Welsch)
'Intrinsic limitations of Niobium under RF', Thin Films and New Ideas for SRF Workshop, Padua, Italy (T. Junginger)
'Electrostatic Storage Rings at the Ultra-low Energies Range', 29.09.2010, RUPAC, Protvino, Russia (A. Papash)
'Using monolythic active pixel sensors for fast monitoring of therapeurtic hadron beams', 23.09.2010, Conference on Solid State Dosimetry, Syndney, Australia (M. Holzscheiter)
'Research Activities in the QUASAR Group', 270.8.2010, GSI Atomic Physics Seminar, Darmstadt, Germany (C. P. Welsch)
'Basic beam dynamic studies at 704 MHz & 1.3 GHz', 10.7.2010, EurESS Frequency Advisory Board Meeting (M. Schuh)
'Ions, Light and Antimatter: Different Roads into the Quantum World', 04.07.2010, Euro Science Open Forum, Torino, Italy (S. Tegami, C. P. Welsch and A. Schofield, ext.)
'Postgraduate Training through International Networking', 23.6.2010, Learning & Teaching Conference, Liverpool, UK (C. P. Welsch)
'Antiproton Cancer Therapy - Physics meets Biology', 9.06.2010, Seminar Blaum, MPI-K, Heidelberg, Germany (M. Holzscheiter)
'2D Liquid Ionisation Chamber Array for LET Measurments', 28.05.2010, Annual AD-4 meeting, Varenna, Italy (S. Tegami)
'Real Time Imaging of Antiproton Stopping Distributions in Biological Targets', 26.05.2010
Annual AD-4 meeting, Varenna, Italy (S. Sellner)
'MIMOTERA - Application for Beam Monitoring in ACE', 26.05.2010, Annual AD-4 meeting, Varenna, Italy (R. Boll)
'Status of the AD-4 Experiment', 24.05.2010, Annual AD-4 meeting, Varenna, Italy (M. Holzscheiter)
'Development of Beam Instrumentation for Particle Accelerators within DITANET and the QUASAR Group', 20.05.2010, RIKEN, Tokyo, Japan (C. P. Welsch)
'DITANET – Contributing to State-of-the-art Beam Diagnostics', 05.05.2010, Beam Instrumentation Workshop, Santa Fe, USA (C. P. Welsch)
'Electrostatic Low-Energy Antiproton Recycling Ring', 12.04.2010, TCP Workshop, Saariselkä, Finland (M. Siggel-King)
'Three Dimensional Biological Dose Distribution of Antiprotons', 24.03.2010, DPG Spring Meeting, Regensburg, Germany (S. Tegami)
'Real Time Imaging of Stopping Distributions in Biological Targets for Antiprotons', 24.03.2010
DPG Spring Meeting, Regensburg, Germany (S. Sellner)
'Beam Monitor for Hadron Therapy using a Crystalline Pixel Detector', 24.03.2010, DPG Spring Meeting, Regensburg, Germany (R. Boll)
'A Higher Order Mode simulation code analysing the SPL Cavities at CERN', 16.03.2010, DPG Spring Meeting, Bonn, Germany (M. Schuh)
'The Quadrupole Resonator – A powerful tool to investigate the limits of RF superconductivity for accelerators', 15.03.2010, DPG Spring Meeting, Bonn, Germany (T. Junginger)
'Accelerator R&D in the QUASAR Group', 9.09.2009, Workshop on Accelerator Science and Technology, GSI, Darmstadt, Germany (C. P. Welsch)
'Beam Instrumentation for CLIC', 20.09.2009, CLIC meeting, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland (C. P. Welsch)
'Teilchenbeschleuniger - Unersetzbare Werkzeuge für die Forschung', 6.07.2009, DPG School, Bad Honneff, Germany (C. P. Welsch)
'The USR at FLAIR', 5.02.2009, FLAIR Meeting at MSL, Stockholm, Sweden (C. P. Welsch)
'Atomic Physics and Accelerator Sciences in the QUASAR Group', 22.10.2008, Atomic Physics Seminar, GSI, Darmstadt, Germany (C. P. Welsch)
'Beam Diagnostics Developments for CLIC', 16.10.2008, CLIC Workshop, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland (C. P. Welsch)
'The USR Project: A Status Report', 17.09.2008, LEAP08 Conference, Vienna, Austria (C. P. Welsch)
'On the Possibility of Realizing Shortest Bunches in the Low-energy Storage Rings', 13.06.2008, Physics with cold stored ion beams, Symposium Heidelberg, Germany (C. P. Welsch)
'Development of Beyond State-of-the-art Diagnostic Techniques within the European Network DITANET', 8.05.2008. Beam Instrumentation Workshop, Lake Tahoe, USA (C. P. Welsch)
'FLAIR - A Facility for Low-energy Antiproton and Ion Research', 18.03.2008, FAIR monthly, GSI, Darmstadt (C. P. Welsch)
'DITANET”, Workshop „Mobilitätsmaßnahmen im 7.RP', 19.02.2008, Leibniz Gemeinschaft, Bonn (C. P. Welsch)