Applied Research Innovation and Service Evaluation

Carers as Victims

According to the 2016 National Confidential Inquiry into Suicide and Homicide by people with Mental Illness, caregivers, are more likely than members of the general public to be the target of homicide committed by a relative with a mental health diagnosis.

Despite the fact that up to 90% of people with a mental health difficulty live with their families this is an under researched area.

A multi-level framework to address the conceptual gaps in existing research has been developed and used to analyse the clinical records of six individuals detained in Secure Services with a conviction of murder or manslaughter. A range of variables including social-structural, contextual, and relational factors along with professional response are being incorporated and synthesised.

The study aims to identify risk and protective factors in these cases to inform prevention or reduction of violence against family caregivers by relatives with a diagnosis of serious mental illness. The ultimate goal is to develop a safety carer guide for use in routine clinical practice.

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