All of our STEM activities, in one place

This blog is a summary of all of our STEM activities since 2014. There’s an awful lot that we have achieved, and this part of our web site captures the stories and the activities. Use the links below, or search the tag clouds on the right. [More...]

Lupe wins a Biochemical Society Outreach grant

Dr. Guadalupe Gómez Baena, a postdoctoral research associate in CPR, has won a Scientific Outreach Grant from the Biochemical Society. [More...]

CPR at the VGM!

Victoria acting as judge in the Big Bang North West

Victoria Harman recounts her experiences as a judge at the Big Bang North West science fair. [More...]

Winstanley College Interviews

On March 16th, ten CPR members were interviewed by students from Winstanley College (who came bearing biscuits - they anticipated us well!) to discuss their work, their careers thus far, and their motivations in science. [More...]

CPR engagement with STEM

CPR is engaged in a major development in STEM activities. [More...]