Non-Invasive Brainstimulation Group Liverpool

In 2020 a research programme for Neuroscience and Mental Health was initiated with Liverpool Health Partners (now dissolved)

As part of this programme a interest group was formed to bring clinicians and scientist together who are interested using transcranial magnetic stimulation to facilitate the better understanding of pain.

TMS is also approved by NICE for the treatment of patients with severe drug resistant depression.

The PRI has done considerable work in the use of rTMS for neuropathic pain and the Walton Centre is currently the only centre in the UK that offers this treatment for central neuropathic pain conditions.

Another large role of TMS is its use for functional mapping prior to brain surgery.

This informal group expanded to include all non-invasive brain stimulation techniques and facilitates meetings to discuss further research projects and clinical application between clinical members from the Walton Centre, Mersey Care and Alder Hey as well as brain researchers from the University of Liverpool and Liverpool John Moores University.


The aim is to meet regularly, invite speakers to update on new developments and their experience with non-invasive brain stimulation as well as collaboration on grant application to fund research in this fast developing area.

We try to meet at least twice a year via a hybrid face to face and online meeting.

The group is currently jointly chaired by Dr Bernhard Frank, Consultant in Pain Medicine at the WCFT and Dr Jade Thai, Senior Research Manager at Mersey Care


Brain Stimulation Group Agenda 2023