Jaiden Parlone

In July 2019, Jaiden completed an integrated Masters Degree in Physics with Particle Physics and Cosmology at the University of Lancaster. This was concluded with a report on investigating the Charge Parity Violation (CPV) sensitivities of Hyper-Kamiokande, an upcoming water cherenkov detector being built as the next generation far detector of the Japanese long baseline neutrino experiments.

His PhD research will focus on neutrino oscillation analysis, based primarily on the T2K experiment, and undertaken as part of the VALOR fitting group. This will culminate in an analysis performed on the latest T2K statistics as well as making progress towards a joint fit between T2K and NOvA.




Constraints on Neutrino Charge-Parity (CP) Violation from an Analysis of the Complete Neutrino and Antineutrino Data Set from the T2K Experiment, and from a Joint Analysis of T2K and NOvA Data