The first AVA fellow arrived at Cockcroft Institute

Bianca Veglia studied Physics at the University of Turin. During Bianca's bachelors, she had the opportunity to spend a year at the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität in Bonn joining their Erasmus program.
She got her master’s degree in Theoretical Physics in 2015 with a thesis titled 'Scaling laws and fluctuations in text and genome statistics'.
Aspiring to experience the working world she subsequently started a job as a credit risk management analyst for a big consulting company in Milan. However, after a short time her passion for Physics drove her to the QUASAR Group.
Bianca is based at the Cockcroft institute, where she will develop a project on “Beam Stability and Life Time in Low Energy Storage Rings” within the AVA network. The project will investigate all the elements that affect antiproton beams in order to optimize their lifetime and stability.