Bianca Veglia successfully passed her viva

QUASAR member Dr Bianca Veglia, a Fellow within our AVA project, based at the Cockcroft Institute has successfully passed her PhD viva on 21 March 2022. Bianca carried out research into ‘Beam Stability and Life Time in Low Energy Storage Rings’, where she did comprehensive investigations into low energy electron cooling and associated effects on stored low energy beams.
New simulation tools have been developed with the aim to guarantee the best possible beam quality from ELENA and for other next generation ultra-low energy antiproton and ion facilities. To accurately describe the behaviour of the antiproton beam before it reaches the experiment, implementations of the different effects acting on the low energy antiprotons were based on both, theoretical derivations and empirical observations. These includes an updated electron cooling force formula for negatively charged ions, which has been proved to be a valid instrument for electron cooling modelling.
Bianca was supervised by by Dr Javier Resta Lopez, Dr Aaron Farricker and Prof Carsten P Welsch (University of Liverpool) and has already started a postdoc position at DESY in Hamburg, Germany.