3rd OMA Topical Workshop held at GSI

A workshop on Medical Accelerator Design and Diagnostics was held at GSI in Darmstadt, Germany, on 10th - 12th December, 2018. Speakers discussed the latest developments in technology for beam monitoring in medical accelerators. The scientific discussions were lead by invited plenary speakers, OMA Fellows and external participants and included over 30 delegates. The workshop linked OMA work package 2, Beam Imaging and Diagnostics, with work package 4, Facility Design and Optimisation. Talks included discussions across a wide range of medical facilities and applications.
The contributors from across Europe discussed challenges related to implementing accelerator diagnostics and how advances in beam monitoring can help design better particle therapy treatment facilities. Participants particularly enjoyed hearing from Dr Christian Graeff on the challenges and trends in imaging technologies at medical accelerators and from Prof Marco Schippers about future technologies for particle therapy treatments.
The event included a trip to the construction site of the new accelerator facility FAIR which is currently being built at GSI. Additionally, the students visited the former particle therapy treatment facility at GSI that used scanned carbon ion beams which were used clinically during a pilot project including 440 patients at GSI. This workshop was the third one in a series that focused on the OMA work packages and brought together scientists from across Europe. Information on the previous two workshops can be found here:
Information about future events will be publishd on the project website and the quarterly OMA Express newsletter.