Spanish teenager joins the Quasar Group for a week

The Cockcroft Institute has had the privilege to host a very special Work Experience student this summer. 15-year old Laura Torres, niece of Quasar Group’s Ricardo Torres, came all the way from Madrid to spend a week in Daresbury, learning about particle accelerators and helping out the Project T.E.A.M. to organise their outreach demonstrations.
Laura said: “During my stay here I learnt lots of things and met new people. I am very pleased for having the opportunity to learn what science really is, its goals and how it is like working in such an important and prestigious research centre like the Cockcroft Institute. I also enjoyed working here for a week, as it has a really good atmosphere and the people are so nice. I encourage everybody to spend the day here and participate in the visits and activities they organize to have the chance of learning more about science.”
We wish the best for Laura in her future career.