UK Plasma Wakefield Accelerator Steering Committee meets in Liverpool

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Professor Welsch who hosted the PWASC meeting in Liverpool and members of the group.

The Plasma wake accelerator steering committee (PWASC) are currently developing a UK Roadmap for this exciting area of research.

On the 3rd of July 2018 the Group met at the University of Liverpool’s Stephenson Institute for Renewable Energy. The daylong meeting included updates on EuPRAXIA and the STFC Large Accelerator Projects Prioritization, but mainly aimed to finalize plans for a UK Roadmap.

The Roadmap aims to review the latest results and progress made at different facilities and identify the most promising future applications. It also sets out the resources required to achieve these applications.

The Group, which links members from currently 11 UK institutions, also discussed opportunities for research funding, current limits of  experimental and computational facilities, coordinated training programmes,  and international collaboration.