Photo of Dr Juliette Hughes

Dr Juliette Hughes PhD, MBiolSci, FHEA, PGCTHE

Lecturer of Anatomy Musculoskeletal & Ageing Science


Selected Publications

  1. Conditional targeting in mice reveals that hepatic homogentisate 1,2-dioxygenase activity is essential in reducing circulating homogentisic acid and for effective therapy in the genetic disease alkaptonuria (Journal article - 2019)
  2. Anatomical Distribution of Ochronotic Pigment in Alkaptonuric Mice is Associated with Calcified Cartilage Chondrocytes at Osteochondral Interfaces (Journal article - 2021)
  3. Dietary restriction of tyrosine and phenylalanine lowers tyrosinemia associated with nitisinone therapy of alkaptonuria (Journal article - 2020)