The University of Liverpool hosted the Polish School of Architecture from 1944-1945 supporting academics fleeing persecution

One of the key organisations working across the education and refugees’ sectors is the Council for At-Risk Academics (Cara). Often cited is the notion that we are facing the most catastrophic peak in the refugee crisis since WWII. It was during the run up to that now familiar situation of mass displacement, when Hitler was expelling leading academics from Germany on the basis of their race, that CARA was formed to help those individuals and defend the learning they represented.

Today, Cara still fulfils this aim through three key objectives;

  • To offer sanctuary in higher education to those academics who are at risk in their own countries.
  • To provide ongoing support to those individuals to regain their professional status and continue to thrive in academia.
  • To support academics and institutions in places of conflict or instability e.g programmes in Iraq, Syria and Zimbabwe which also featured 'virtual lecture halls')

As part of our commitment to supporting people in crisis and conflict, the University of Liverpool is proud to be part of the network of over 110 Universities in the UK.

For more information please see or contact the IDO:

Helen Carlin International Partnership Manager-   +44 (0)151 7949474
Claire Kidman International Relations and Development Officer-  + 44 (0)151 795 0417