Computed Tomography

We are the only equine hospital in North West England to offer this advanced form of radiography, which produces 3D images of bone and soft tissue. 

The new CT system is unique as it is the only medical-grade, large bore, sliding gantry system available for large animal patients in England. "Sliding gantry" means that the machine moves over the patient rather than the patient moving in relation to the machine.  The new system is also unique in being associated with a scissor lift platform to accommodate horses of all different sizes for safe and efficient standing CT. The stocks system is fully removable to also allow CT scanning of the limbs, pelvis and neck under general anaesthesia.

It was installed at the equine hospital in 2018 and we had an official opening day with Lord Derby on the 1st October.

CT scanning is especially useful for planning reconstructive surgery and for diagnosing diseases of the head, such as head shaking, sinus disease, dental problems, nasal discharge and head trauma.



The scanning process itself takes minutes but the entire procedure, including preparation of the horse, usually takes a couple of hours. For anaesthetised horses, we use a custom-made surgical table & platform and have three members of staff in attendance at all times for maximum safety. For horses undergoing CT with standing sedation, the horse is sedated heavily and stands on the custom-made CT platform with his/her head on a head rest, as is visible in the above video. 

Horses are sedated for CT scanning and can attend on an outpatient or inpatient basis. Heads are usually scanned under standing sedation though may necessitate general anaesthetic in certain circumstances. Under general anaesthetic, the CT can also scan forelimbs to mid-forearm, hindlimbs to the stifle, the pelvis of most horses, plus the neck down to T1 (minimum - in some cases it may scan further). If you are a referring vet and would like more information, would like to discuss a case or would like to refer a case for CT please call our office on 0151 794 6041.