PhD Studentship in Demography / Social Statistics

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We invite applications from qualified and highly motivated students for a three-year PhD studentship in Demography / Social Statistics. The PhD studentship is funded by the School of Environmental Sciences (SoES) at the University of Liverpool and it will cover: 1) Tuition fee to the amount of a standard fee for UK/EU students (£4,052 in the 2015–16 academic year); 2) A maintenance grant of £14,210 per year; and 3) A research training support grant of £1,000 per year. The studentship is restricted to home/EU students.

We welcome applications in any substantive area of demography (health and mortality; family and fertility; internal and international migration). The methodology of the project should include the analysis of longitudinal data; priority might be given to applicants interested in extending longitudinal models to also measure contextual and spatial effects (e.g. multilevel survival / event history analysis; spatial multilevel models). Students with a first class or an upper secondary master’s degree in social sciences or statistics / mathematics who are interested in this opportunity must submit an application to the SoES PGR office ( by 20th May 2015 for consideration. Please include ‘PhD Studentship in Demography/Social Statistics’ in the subject line of your email. The full application consists of: 1) A PhD proposal of (max) 1,500 words, which outlines research problem and objectives, describes data and methods and provides a brief timetable of the project; 2) An academic CV (max one page); 3) Copies of transcripts of undergraduate and master’s degrees; and 4) Two reference letters.

The successful applicant will become a member of the Population and Spatial Analysis research group at the School of Environmental Sciences, which combines expertise in advanced techniques of demographic, longitudinal and spatial analysis. S/he will be also involved in the activities of the newly launched Centre for Spatial Demographics Research. Current PhD students are working on various demographic topics including the analysis of health and mortality patterns, family and fertility dynamics, educational and other life course choices, migration and residential mobility; all projects apply advanced quantitative methods (e.g. survival analysis, random-effects / multilevel models, multistate models, geostatistical models). For further details on the SoES PhD community and the Population and Spatial Analysis research group, please see:

This is an excellent opportunity for a highly motivated PhD student to work on a research topic, which addresses an important demographic topic and applies / extends quantitative methodology. The student will be expected to prepare a PhD thesis as a collection of research articles. The studentship is available from 1st October 2015.

For informal inquiries, please contact Hill Kulu ( Please include ‘PhD Studentship in Demography/Social Statistics’ in the subject line of your email.