Dr. Peter-John Mäntylä Noble
- Senior Lecturer in Small Animal Internal Medicine
P-J qualified from Edinburgh in 1990 with degrees in veterinary physiology and veterinary medicine and surgery. After 2 years in general practice he joined the Small Animal Hospital team at Liverpool as a house officer. He went on to study for a PhD in gastric epithelial physiology in the University of Liverpool Physiological Laboratory and following two years as a lecturer in the vet school he undertook a post-doctoral placement in the same lab. P-J returned to a lectureship in the Small Animal Teaching Hospital in 2002 and became Senior Lecturer in Internal Medicine in 2012.
Clinical Interests
- Small animal internal medicine
- Gastroenterology and endoscopy
Teaching Responsibilities
- Undergraduate teaching in small animal medicine
- Resident training in internal medicine
- Supervision of PhD and MSc students studying health informatics and clinical text mining
Research Interests
- Clinical text mining
- Small animal disease surveillance