Tel: +44(0)151 794 5224/4837

    What is Project ARES?

    Project ARES Ukraine brings together University and international experts to provide a range of tools created by those with extensive experience of critical incident decision making in uncertain circumstances, crises and their aftermath. This is a live project intended to provide guidance and resources created by experts in the field to support those affected by ongoing current events in the Ukraine. These include short, bite-sized videos to support leadership and decision-making, resilience in the field and communication across the University and beyond during this conflict. Originally developed for frontline services during the pandemic, this key information is built on our team's 30+ years' experience working with the military. Please continue to check back regularly to access and utilise new content and materials as they are added.

    Our resources

    Introduction to Project ARES Ukraine by Prof. Laurence Alison. Created with the support of the University of Liverpool and the University of Massachusetts Lowell.

    Decision-making Ukraine decision making




    Sharing experiences Sharing Experiences Square

    Sharing experiences


    Stress and resilience Stress resilience square

    Stress and resilience