ODEMM – Work Package 8 – Implementation plan for preferred options

Led by Leonie Robinson & Fiona Culhane

Following the development of a set of operational objectives and the evaluation of a number of management schemes, WP8 aimed to deliver a practical and fully costed implementation plan that identifies how the current regulatory framework can be adapted/expanded to deliver the new objectives.

The objectives of Work Package 8 were as follows:

  • Identify the social, economic, ecological and institutional obstacles to achieving an ecosystem approach based on outcomes from the previous WPs.
  • Produce an accessible guide to the toolkit of techniques required to do evaluations on management scenario options to achieve the objectives of an ecosystem approach.
  • Produce an Implementation Plan for the steps required for the transition from the current fragmented system to a mature integrated approach that can achieve the objectives of the major marine Directives in Europe.

The following tasks were associated with the work package:

  • Task 8.1: Remaining obstacles to Delivering Ecosystem-based Marine Management.
  • Task 8.2: the toolkit for marine management scenario evaluations.
  • Task 8.3: The Practical Implementation Plan.
  • Task 8.4: Costs and benefits of Options for European Ecosystem-based Marine Management.


An accessible web-based guide to the toolkit for marine management scenario evaluations

Final ODEMM Approach report