Musical Film, Memory and Wellbeing

The use of musical film to generate reminiscences and improvements in wellbeing among the over 65s is being explored through this project, which draws on research into Brazilian popular and film music by Lisa Shaw (IPM), and on representations of Liverpool in film by Professor Julia Hallam (Department of Communication). Lisa is currently working with a health centre in Petrópolis, Rio de Janeiro state, Brazil, to engage people through her extensive research on Carmen Miranda, and on the Brazilian musical comedy tradition known as the 'chanchada', which dominated film production in Brazil in the 1950s and early 1960s. The project began with a pilot study involving a BUPA nursing home in Liverpool:

“We are always looking for ways to help our residents maintain community connections and feel part of the wider city around them – which this project did." (Ruth Neeson, Activities Coordinator at Rowan Garth nursing home)