Heseltine Institute Co-Director book launch

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To mark the publication in May 2021 of the second edition of Human Geography: An Essential Introduction, author of the book and co-director of the Heseltine Institute, Professor Mark Boyle, will host a virtual launch event.

Drawing on nearly three decades of instructional experience and a wealth of testing pedagogical innovations with students, Professor Boyle has revised and expanded this authoritative and comprehensive introduction to human geography. As with the first edition, Professor Boyle follows the premise that “history makes geography whilst geography makes history,” and that the key to studying the principal demographic, social, political, economic, cultural and environmental processes in any region in the world today is to look at how that region has been impacted by, and in turn has impacted, the story of the rise, reign, and faltering of the West from c.1500.

The launch event will feature:
•    An overview of the book for instructors;
•    A tour of the book’s Companion Site with extensive resources for instructors;
•    A conversation on teaching GY101 Human Geography courses using the book, and;
•    A question and answer session with the author.

Human Geography: An Essential Introduction serves as a foundational text for undergraduate courses in human geography – and also globalization, Western civilization, historiographies of intellectual thought, and other social science courses.

The launch will be held on 17 June at 2pm, prospective attendees can visit our Eventbrite page to register or learn more about the event.