A Manifesto for Liverpool City Region

A Manifesto for Liverpool City Region offers an agenda-setting contribution from the University of Liverpool towards the election debate in 2024.

Ahead of the critical local, national, and Metro Mayoral elections taking place across the United Kingdom in 2024, our Manifesto for Liverpool City Region brings together evidence-informed contributions from leading University of Liverpool researchers in order to stimulate debate on the defining issues of this election year.

Led by the University’s Heseltine Institute for Public Policy, Practice and Place, the Manifesto reflects the University’s commitment to a positive future for Liverpool City Region through excellence in research, innovation, and partnership. It highlights the key challenges facing local and national policymakers, and considers the innovative ways that these could be addressed.

The Manifesto combines nine short provocations from University of Liverpool researchers, each addressing a key policy issue.

This Manifesto is the product of serious thinking about the implications of the 2024 elections, for Liverpool City Region and beyond, and is positioned as a statement of intent for further, and wider, discussion with policy stakeholders in the months and years to come.

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