Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee

Committee description

Secretary: Michelle Keeley-Adamson, Email: mkeeley@liverpool.ac.uk 

Committee Description

The Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee is responsible for setting the strategic direction, monitoring and compliance of the University of Liverpool in relation to the Equality Act 2010, Human Rights Act 1998, Protection from Harassment Act 1997, and all associated legislation and statutory duties.

The aim of the Committee is to support the University in creating an inclusive and supportive culture for staff, students, stakeholders, and visitors

In this context, the University can be anti-discriminatory (equality), can work to make it an attractive and representative place to be (diversity), and does so in a way that each individual feels valued and appreciated (inclusion).

Equality, diversity and inclusion should be taken to mean:

Equality: An equitable university is a place where everyone has the same opportunities regardless of their protected characteristics, and a place which champions anti-discriminatory practices.

Diversity: A diverse university is a place where we work to ensure that our community is open, accessible and reflects society; a place where we recognise that anyone has their own identity and that this diversity of experience, background and opinion enriches the organisation.

Inclusion: An inclusive university is a place where everyone, regardless of their background or identity, can thrive, feel valued, accepted, and supported; and where people are able to be their authentic selves without the need to assimilate in order to be accepted.

Terms of Reference

The Committee’s responsibilities to both staff and students, and the Committee’s decision-making powers are as follows:

On behalf of Council, via the Formal Senior Leadership Team, the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee will:

1.  Support the University to achieve an equitable, diverse and inclusive organisation for staff, students, stakeholders, and visitors.

2.  Support the University’s strategic responsibility for the adherence to the letter and spirit of the Equality Act 2010, the Human Rights Act 1998 and associated legislation and statutory duties; and professional, regulatory and statutory bodies requirements relating to equality, diversity and inclusion.

3.  Provide assurance that:

  • the University has robust equality, diversity and inclusion policies, strategies, key performance indicators and measuring outputs; and that these are integrated and embedded throughout the University and its everyday activities
  • resources are identified and allocated for the sustainable implementation of EDI strategies
  • effective and robust structures are in place for measuring, monitoring, analysing, and evaluating the performance of the University EDI policies, objectives, and processes
  • effective processes are in place to ensure the provision of training and organisational development for both staff and students in relation to EDI
  • there is institutional compliance with the Public Sector Equality Duties including but not limited to the equality impact assessment processes, publication of meaningful and usable data to the university community and the public; and relevant statutory reporting requirements.

4.  Ensure that there are effective EDI structures and mechanisms within Faculties and Departments, to support institutional compliance with University EDI objectives.

5.  Commission research, audits, and investigations into the effectiveness of University policies and strategies, and the impact of department activities to advance EDI.

6.   Monitor institutional compliance with the equality law and policy by receiving monitoring reports, analysis, evaluations; and through the commissioning of internal inquires and audits of departments, services and policies.

7.  Monitor institutional progress against the Equality Framework Action Plan.

8.  Oversee the development of the Annual Equality and Diversity Report.

Reporting Relationships

The Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee reports directly to the Formal Senior Leadership Team, recommending matters to other parts of the committee structure where necessary.

Frequency of Meetings

The Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee usually meets on four occasions during the academic year.


The quorum for meetings of the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee shall be one third of the membership.


The Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee has the authority to constitute sub-committees, and task and finish groups as appropriate.

Recognised sub-committees of the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee are:

  • Athena SWAN Steering Group
  • Central Professional Services Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee
  • Diversity and Equality Champions Forum
  • Faculty of Health and Life Sciences Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee
  • Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee
  • Faculty of Science and Engineering Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee
  • Inclusive Campus Steering Group
  • Race Equality Charter Steering Group
  • Equality Objectives Action Plan Working Group.

The Committee will also liaise with the University’s Student Success Board  which reports directly into the Education Committee.

Members or key people

Ex-Officio Members

SLT Equality Champion  (Chair)

Professor Wiebe van der Hoek (Ex-Officio)

Chair of the Central Professional Services EDI Committee       

Dr Carol Costello / Deputy

Chair of the Faculty of Health and Life Sciences EDI Committee

Professor  Judy Coulson

Chair of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Science EDI Committee

Professor Fiona Beveridge/ Deputy

Chair of the Faculty of Science and Engineering EDI Committee           

 Mark White

Senior Representative from Research

Professor Anthony Hollander/Deputy

PVC for Education

Professor Gavin Brown/Deputy

Director of Legal and Governance

Kevan Ryan

Director of People and Services

Dr Carol Costello

Chairs of the Athena SWAN Steering Group

Professor Debra Morris

Dr Lesley Iwanejko

Chair of the Race Equality Charter Steering Group         

Professor Fiona Beveridge/Deputy

Chair of the Inclusive Campus Steering Group          

Kofi Amoakohene

Director of HR

Keith Watkinson

Lay Members

Two representatives from the University Council

Cilla Ankrah-Lucas (2022-2025)

Fiona Cullen (2023-2026)

Appointed Members

Two Student Officer representatives, nominated by the Guild of Students


Vasiliki Samuels (President)

Lina Dubbins


In Attendance

Head of Organisational Development, Equality & Engagement

Mary Moran

Head of Diversity & Equality

Holly Xian Nicholls

Governance Officer

Mike Edge

Minute Secretary

Michelle Keeley-Adamson

  • Other members may be co-opted or invited to attend for specific meetings at the discretion of the Committee
  • The Committee may establish time-limited groups as necessary to deal with pertinent issues.


Meeting dates

  • 5 September 2024, 10.00 am
  • 11 December 2024, 10.00 am
  • 7 March 2025, 10.00 am
  • 16 May 2025, Away Day

A full schedule of Committee meeting dates can be viewed here.