Understanding the morphology of cities

Understanding the morphology of cities

We are interested in how urban areas are structured, and the relationship between the built, natural and human environments. We extend a lengthy history of research at the University of Liverpool in the development and application of new area classification.

North American Geodemographics

Open or free geodemographics have a lineage in the UK that is not mirrored in the US. As such this research project has utilised the American Community Survey to develop an open source geodemographic classification.

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Temporal Output Area Classification

A geodemographic classification provides a set of categorical summaries of the built and socio-economic characteristics of small geographic areas. Many such classifications, such as that developed in this paper, are created entirely from data extracted from a single decennial census of population.

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London Output Area Classification

Geodemographic classifications are categorical measures representing salient multidimensional population and built environment attributes of small areas. The UK Output Area Classification (OAC) is one such classification, created on behalf of the Office for National Statistics, and was built with an open methodology and entirely from 2011 Census variables.

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Urban Employment Centres in the US

In this article, we use local indicators of spatial association (LISA) and other spatial analysis techniques to analyze the distribution of centers with high employment density within metropolitan areas. We examine the 359 metropolitan areas across the United States at three points in time (1990, 2000, and 2010) to provide a spatio-temporal panoramic of urban spatial structure.

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