Work with us

Work with us

We are always interested in hearing from external partners who would like to work with us. There are various ways in which we can engage: 

  • Partners of research grants - most of our research grants have industrial or public sector partners
  • Consultancy projects - we complete a range of work for external partners in the areas of data analytics and applied GIS
  • MSc Dissertation scheme - many of our MSc students complete dissertations each year that are linked to industrial partners either directly or with the CDRC dissertation scheme.
  • Visiting researchers - as part of the Northern Regional Data facility that we house we can host part time visitors to the lab to work on collaborative projects
  • Talks - we are happy to coordinate external guest lecturers with our students at various stages in their studies
  • PhD projects - most of our PhD students have research projects that are linked to industrial partners; and in particular those in the Centre for Doctoral Training