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Classical Studies

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Course details

  • UCAS code: Q810
  • Study mode: Full-time
  • Length: 3 years

Key dates

  • Starts:

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Bachelor of Arts

A Bachelor of Arts (BA Hons) is a bachelor’s degree awarded for an undergraduate programme in the arts.

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Course overview

Classical Studies allows you to study the society and culture of the Greek and Roman worlds, including their art, religion, history, and archaeology, studying their literary and visual cultures against the backdrop of the history of the period.


By examining a range of literary, documentary and visual evidence, you will develop critical skills of interpretation and understanding of methodological problems, plus knowledge of core theories, concepts and approaches. At the same time, you’ll learn how to read, describe and comment upon current research, promoting insights into the history of the discipline and encouraging you to tackle questions of central interest today, taking particular advantage of the research specialisms of Liverpool staff. The Classical Studies programme also invites students to explore the close relationship between the Graeco-Roman world and modern responses to it. In addition, you have the chance to further broaden your understanding of Ancient Greek and Roman society and culture while studying Ancient Greek or Latin from beginner to advanced.


What you'll learn

  • A systemic understanding of the literature, history, art and archaeology of the Greek and Roman worlds
  • A grounding in a wide range of contemporary theories, concepts and perspectives currently in use across a range of Humanities subjects and that are directly relevant and applicable to selected historical and cultural subjects of study
  • Opportunity to undertake a work placement
  • Intellectual independence and the ability to formulate arguments and present the results clearly both orally and in writing
  • Option to develop skills in Greek or Latin, including the ability to undertake textual analysis

Teaching Excellence Framework 2023

We’re proud to announce we’ve been awarded a Gold rating for educational excellence.

Course content

Discover what you'll learn, what you'll study, and how you'll be taught and assessed.

Year one

In year one a group of core modules provides you with a solid introduction to the breadth of Graeco-Roman society and culture, and helps to develop the skills you will require for later in-depth study. The remaining half of the programme is drawn from options in ancient history, classical archaeology, Greek, and Latin.

Compulsory modules


Credits: 15 / Semester: semester 1

The module provides a contextualised introduction to Homer’s Odyssey (in English translation) as one of the pivotal texts of ancient Greek culture. Thus, the module addresses the idea of heroism as a social and ethical factor in the Homeric epic, the degree of historicity in the epic, the stylistic aspects of Homeric poetry, and its cultural impact.


Credits: 15 / Semester: semester 2

This module examines the poetry of Virgil in its literary and cultural contexts. We will consider how the Eclogues, Georgics, and Aeneid engage with and respond to earlier Greek and Roman literary traditions, and how the Augustan age and the works of other contemporary writers influenced and shaped his poetic craft.


Credits: 15 / Semester: semester 2

In this module you will explore the visual modes and media by which people have expressed themselves individually and societally in different periods of human history. We will start by exploring ideas of visual culture and art, as well as the historical context of the module. You will be introduced to some of the core theoretical issues that underpin the production and consumption of visual culture including questions of what an image is and its relationship to ideology and theories of representation.

We will explore contexts across the ancient Mediterranean from the Palaeolithic to Imperial Rome. We wlll explore a range of themes and you will learn about a wide variety of visual culture from monuments and statues to painted pottery and the visual culture of everyday life. You will learn how to ‘read’ these different media to reconstruct ancient culture and to appreciate the tastes, desires and ideas from the ancient Mediterranean. As you learn about the ancient world you will develop a range of valuable skills that will be of use in academic studies and employment.


Credits: 15 / Semester: semester 1

This module aims to introduce students to a broad range of texts and material evidence about the literature and culture of the 5th century BC. You will look at texts from a broad range of types, including some of the greatest Greek literature ever written, philosophy, history, and oratory, and set this into context using art, archaeology, inscriptions and other kinds of evidence.

Optional modules


Credits: 15 / Semester: semester 1

This module introduces students to central concepts and features of the classical world in order to lay the foundations of knowledge necessary or more advanced modules in the second and third years. It considers the geographical context of classical civilisation, fundamental concepts such as statehood, periodisation, social structures, urban and rural community constructs, conceptions of citizenship, freedom and slavery, systems of exchange and religion as a foundation of society. It also introduces students to the range of evidence available to ancient historians and how to use it.


Credits: 15 / Semester: semester 1

This module introduces the history and society of the ancient Greek world, from the liberation of Athens from tyranny in the late sixth century BC through to the death of Alexander the Great in 323 BC. The module offers students a foundation of knowledge in the history of events, as well as exploring a range of aspects of Greek society and culture, including the Greek ‘way of war’, sexuality and religion. It also introduces a range of sources for the study of ancient history, especially the two great Greek history writers, Herodotus and Thucydides.


Credits: 15 / Semester: semester 1

ALGY101 introduces students to the concepts, methods and evidence that archaeologists use to study and interpret the past. Students gain core skills essential to building and evaluating knowledge about the human past from material remains.


Credits: 15 / Semester: semester 1

This module provides an introduction to the history and archaeology of the Near East and Aegean from ca. 4,000 to 800 BC, specifically the ancient cultures of the Near East, Levant and Greece. The module includes artefact handling sessions.


Credits: 15 / Semester: semester 1

ALGY109 is designed as an introductory, level one module aiming to provide students with an overview of Ancient Egyptian history from prehistory to AD 395 both in its chronological development and in its environmental and geographical setting, including the fundamentals of the chronology of Ancient Egypt (including the limitations of available evidence), and a good awareness of how major archaeological sites and other forms of primary evidence fit within this framework.


Credits: 15 / Semester: semester 1

This module provides first-year undergraduates with an understanding of the material culture of pharaonic Egypt, and the ways in which natural resources were utilised in a variety of types of craftwork, art and other aspects of material culture. The emphasis will be on the use of primary data (archaeological, visual and textual) to gain a better understanding of a range of classes of object produced by the Egyptians and the ways in which they inform us of the ways in which they regarded material culture. It will also give students a good awareness of the major types of ancient Egyptian object likely to be encountered in museums and archaeological sites. Each set of objects will be introduced by a lecture, providing students with an evidence-based overview. Practical museum classes will use objects in the Garstang Museum to allow students to identify specific materials and examine technological and artistic techniques.


Credits: 15 / Semester: semester 1

What did it feel like to be an Ancient Egyptian? What did they think? How did they feel? What was important to them? It is often difficult to answer these questions from archaeology alone, and to really gain a deeper insight in Egyptian culture we also need to look at what they wrote, and how they wrote it. This course is an introduction to reading the Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphic script and language, in the stage of the language called ‘Middle Egyptian’, which the Egyptians considered the ‘classic’ form of their language. It begins with teaching how to read the hieroglyphic script itself (e.g. sign values) before moving on reading whole words, and then on to cover basic Egyptian sentence structures (e.g. syntax). Students are taught to read certain selected inscription types (e.g. the offering formula), of the sort that are found on inscribed Egyptian objects in all major museums.


Credits: 15 / Semester: semester 1

This module is an introduction to the basics of Latin morphology, syntax, and translation.


Credits: 15 / Semester: semester 1

Intermediate basics of Latin morphology and syntax; translation of continuous text


Credits: 15 / Semester: semester 1

This module offers continued progress in the Latin language, and the opportunity to read a selection from Pliny’s Letters, which give vivid insight into elite society and culture during the early empire.


Credits: 15 / Semester: semester 1

This module opens the way for reading written documents, (eg inscriptions, grafitti, and papyrus letters) and literary texts, (eg poetry, tragedy, comedy, history and philosophy) from ancient Greece in their original language. Over the course of the module, students become familiar with standard terms for classifying and analysing the language’s fabric, and begin to understand how words in Ancient Greek change and interact with each other (‘morphology, ‘grammar’), forming phrases and complex sentences (‘syntax’). Students build this knowledge by working with a coursebook (JACT Reading Greek) and translating passages of increasing complexity. From the first, adapted passages from the coursebook are balanced with ‘real’ Greek. Prior langage learning is not a pre-requisite for this module, only a curiosity about and passion for the language and culture of ancient Greece.


Credits: 15 / Semester: semester 1

This module extends skills and knowledge acquired through prior study (CLAH502 or equivalent) for reading literary texts and historical documents from ancient Greece in their original language. It introduces further elements of Greek grammar, morphology and syntax to aid analysis of compound sentence structures. Students continue to work with a coursebook (JACT Reading Greek), and complement this with regular translation of longer and more complex unseen passages from ancient texts, with the aid of a Greek-English lexicon.


Credits: 15 / Semester: semester 1

During this module, students expand their competence and confidence in ancient Greek language by reading extended segments from a range of texts, for example, epic poetry, tragedy, comedy, historiography, lawcourt oratory, and philosophy, with the help of vocabulary (using the JACT Greek Anthology). There is an opportunity to revise and consolidate knowledge of grammar and syntax through dedicated grammar workshops, and training is provided in the use of resources for language learning, especially the Greek-English lexicon. This module builds on CLAH 501 to CLAH504 and A-level study of ancient Greek.


Credits: 15 / Semester: semester 2

This module deals with the history and society of Rome and the Roman world from the foundation of Rome to the end of the second century AD, i.e. the periods of the ‘Roman Republic’ and the ‘Principate’ (named after the princeps, a title of the Roman emperor). The aims are to provide (1) an introductory survey of the political and military history of Rome and the Roman empire; (2) to build a sound
chronological, geographical and conceptual framework for understanding the ancient Roman world; (3) to introduce students to reading primary sources in translation and evaluating their historical significance; (4) to introduce students to a limited range of scholarly views on ancient Roman history; and (5) to teach fundamental research skills.


Credits: 15 / Semester: semester 2

Max Weber aptly labelled classical antiquity as an urban coastal civilisation. Though throughout antiquity an overwhelming majority of people lived in the countryside, cities of the model of the Greek polis were reference points of political identities and focal points of the religious, economic and social life of most ancient societies. The module investigates in a variety of phenomena related to ancient cities, such as agriculture, slavery, law and, finally, empire, the power structure that finally put an end to urban autonomy. It is, at the same time, designed as an introduction to sources and methods in ancient history.


Credits: 15 / Semester: semester 2

This module introduces students to the design and implementation of archaeological projects (and thereby research design more generally). It is concerned with how archaeological questions are addressed through projects, the practices involved in the various stages of archaeological projects, including desk-based assessment, mapping, data collection and analysis, field recording, excavation strategy, interpretation and site/heritage management planning. There is a strong practical element to the module which focusses on the planning and execution of a project relating to a cemetery in Liverpool.


Credits: 15 / Semester: semester 2

This module introduces students to the range of uses of writing in Ancient Egypt, considering monumental, literary, religious, and documentary (i.e. legal and administrative) genres of text. The module assumes a basic acquaintance with the Egyptian language, but the texts will be studied in English translation. The module will consist of lectures, and student-led seminars examining specific issues in the Egyptian written world.


Credits: 15 / Semester: semester 2

This module is the second semester continuation of our introduction to reading Ancient Egyptian (following on from ALGY128), focusing both on the hieroglyphic writing system and the Middle Egyptian phase of the Ancient Egyptian language.

The student extends core vocabulary, and familiarity with a range of constructions in use, and completing survey of the tense system, and starts to develop a fluency in reading and translation through working with original hieroglyphic texts.


Credits: 15 / Semester: semester 2

ALGY116 is designed as a year one module which aims to provide students with an overview of Ancient Egyptian culture. In particular it has as its core aim the development of students’ understanding of the broader thematic aspects of Egyptian society, such as writing, religion, art and social structure. The emphasis will be on the use of primary data (written and material culture), and on awareness of how major archaeological sites fit within this framework.


Credits: 15 / Semester: semester 2

This module introduces students to the archaeology of Classical Greece and the Roman Empire by comparing these two Mediterranean civilisations across common themes relating to the life experiences of people in the ancient world.


Credits: 15 / Semester: semester 2

This module is a continuation of the introduction to the basics of Latin morphology, syntax, and translation.


Credits: 15 / Semester: semester 2

Intermediate basics of Latin morphology and syntax; translation of continuous text


Credits: 15 / Semester: semester 2

This module offers continued progress in the Latin language, and the opportunity to read Virgil’s Eclogues, from the flowering of Latin literature. The set text is a quintessential work of bucolic poetry written during the period of political uncertainty preceding the principate of Augustus, and looks back to the Idylls of Theocritus, and forward to the later European tradition of pastoral.


Credits: 15 / Semester: semester 2

This module continues the task of preparing students for reading written documents and literary texts from ancient Greece in their original language. Students, now familiar with standard terms for classifying and analysing the language’s fabric, continue to learn how words in Ancient Greek change and interact with each other(‘grammar’, ‘morphology), forming phrases and complex sentences (‘syntax’). Students build this knowledge by working with a coursebook (JACT Reading Greek) and translating passages of increasing complexity. Adapted passages from the coursebook are balanced with ‘real’ Greek.


Credits: 15 / Semester: semester 2

This module extends skills and knowledge developed in CLAH503 Ancient Greek IIA for reading literature and historical documents from ancient Greece in their original language. It introduces advanced elements of Greek grammar, morphology and syntax to aid analysis of complex sentences. Regular translation of more complex unseen passages from ancient Greek texts, with the help of a Greek-English lexicon, fosters independent translation and comprehension of un-adapted ancient texts. By the end of the module students have completed the JACT Reading Greek course and are ready to read ancient texts on their own.


Credits: 15 / Semester: semester 2

During this module, students improve their competence and confidence in ancient Greek language by reading passages from a broad variety of texts written during the Archaic to Roman periods (using the Loeb Classical Reader). There is an opportunity to revise and consolidate knowledge of grammar and syntax through dedicated grammar workshops, and special training is provided in the skills and techniques of translation.

Programme details and modules listed are illustrative only and subject to change.

Our curriculum

The Liverpool Curriculum framework sets out our distinctive approach to education. Our teaching staff support our students to develop academic knowledge, skills, and understanding alongside our graduate attributes:

  • Digital fluency
  • Confidence
  • Global citizenship

Our curriculum is characterised by the three Liverpool Hallmarks:

  • Research-connected teaching
  • Active learning
  • Authentic assessment

All this is underpinned by our core value of inclusivity and commitment to providing a curriculum that is accessible to all students.

Course options

Studying with us means you can tailor your degree to suit you. Here's what is available on this course.

Global Opportunities

University of Liverpool students can choose from an exciting range of study placements at partner universities worldwide. Choose to spend a year at XJTLU in China or a year or semester at an institution of your choice.

What's available on this course?

Year in China

Immerse yourself in Chinese culture on an optional additional year at Xi'an Jiaotong Liverpool University in stunning Suzhou.

  • Learn Chinese
  • Study in a bustling world heritage city
  • Improve employment prospects
  • Study Chinese culture
  • 30 minutes from Shanghai
  • Learn new skills

Read more about Year at XJTLU, China

Language study

Every student at The University of Liverpool can study a language as part of, or alongside their degree. You can choose:

  • A dedicated languages degree
  • A language as a joint or major/ minor degree
  • Language modules (selected degrees)
  • Language classes alongside your studies

Read more about studying a language

Combine this subject

With a combined degree, you can study two subjects as part of the same degree programme.

  • Choose from 30 subjects and over 300 combinations
  • Choose joint or major minor subjects
  • Adjust the weight of your subjects at the end of your first year
  • Same number of credits as single honours students
  • Same classes as single honours students
  • Appeal to a wide range of employers

Explore combined degrees for Archaeology, Classics and Egyptology courses

Your experience

The Department of Archaeology, Classics and Egyptology is part of the School of Histories, Languages and Cultures. Teaching takes place across campus, including in specialist facilities in the Central Teaching Hub.

Virtual tour

Supporting your learning

From arrival to alumni, we’re with you all the way:

Careers and employability

The skills learnt on a Classical Studies degree offer a wide range of possibilities. Graduates of this programme which combines a range of analytical skills can expect to have good access to careers in industry, commerce, finance, education and public service. The programme will also prepare students for postgraduate study or further training

Graduates of this programme have good access to careers in the following industries:

  • commerce
  • finance
  • education
  • public service.

Recent employers include:

  • The National Trust
  • English Heritage
  • Civil Service
  • Archaeology South East
  • Police Service
  • Apple

88% of Archaeology, Classics and Egyptology students go on to work or further study within 15 months of graduation.

Graduate Outcomes, 2018-19.

Fees and funding

Your tuition fees, funding your studies, and other costs to consider.

Tuition fees

UK fees (applies to Channel Islands, Isle of Man and Republic of Ireland)
Full-time place, per year £9,250
Year in industry fee £1,850
Year abroad fee £1,385
International fees
Full-time place, per year £22,400
Year abroad fee £11,200
Fees are correct for the academic year 2024/25. Please note that the Year Abroad fee also applies to the Year in China.

Tuition fees cover the cost of your teaching and assessment, operating facilities such as libraries, IT equipment, and access to academic and personal support. Learn more about paying for your studies..

Additional costs

We understand that budgeting for your time at university is important, and we want to make sure you understand any course-related costs that are not covered by your tuition fee. This could include buying a laptop, books, or stationery.

Find out more about the additional study costs that may apply to this course.

Additional study costs

We understand that budgeting for your time at university is important, and we want to make sure you understand any course-related costs that are not covered by your tuition fee. This could include buying a laptop, books, or stationery.

Find out more about additional study costs.

Scholarships and bursaries

We offer a range of scholarships and bursaries to provide tuition fee discounts and help with living expenses while at university.

Check out our Liverpool Bursary, worth up to £2,000 per year for eligible UK students. Or for international students, our Undergraduate Global Advancement Scholarship offers a tuition fee discount of up to £5,000 for eligible international students starting an undergraduate degree from September 2024.

Discover our full range of undergraduate scholarships and bursaries

Entry requirements

The qualifications and exam results you'll need to apply for this course.

We've set the country or region your qualifications are from as United Kingdom. Change it here

Clearing 2024

Please see our Clearing course information for details of the qualifications and exam results you'll need to apply for this course for 2024 entry.

View the Clearing entry requirements for this course.

English language requirements

You'll need to demonstrate competence in the use of English language, unless you’re from a majority English speaking country.

We accept a variety of international language tests and country-specific qualifications.

International applicants who do not meet the minimum required standard of English language can complete one of our Pre-Sessional English courses to achieve the required level.

English language qualification Requirements
IELTS 6.5 overall, with no component below 5.5
TOEFL iBT 88 overall, with minimum scores of listening 17, writing 17, reading 17 and speaking 19
Duolingo English Test 120 overall, with no component below 95
Pearson PTE Academic 61 overall, with no component below 59
LanguageCert Academic 70 overall, with no skill below 60
Cambridge IGCSE First Language English 0500 Grade C overall, with a minimum of grade 2 in speaking and listening. Speaking and listening must be separately endorsed on the certificate.
Cambridge IGCSE First Language English 0990 Grade 4 overall, with Merit in speaking and listening
Cambridge IGCSE Second Language English 0510/0511 0510: Grade B overall, with a minimum of grade 2 in speaking. Speaking must be separately endorsed on the certificate. 0511: Grade B overall.
Cambridge IGCSE Second Language English 0993/0991 0993: Grade 6 overall, with a minimum of grade 2 in speaking. Speaking must be separately endorsed on the certificate. 0991: Grade 6 overall.
International Baccalaureate Standard Level grade 5 or Higher Level grade 4 in English B, English Language and Literature, or English Language
Cambridge ESOL Level 2/3 Advanced 176 overall, with no paper below 162


Do you need to complete a Pre-Sessional English course to meet the English language requirements for this course?

The length of Pre-Sessional English course you’ll need to take depends on your current level of English language ability.

Find out the length of Pre-Sessional English course you may require for this degree.

Pre-sessional English

If you don’t meet our English language requirements, we can use your most recent IELTS score, or the equivalent score in selected other English language tests, to determine the length of Pre-Sessional English course you require.

Use the table below to check the course length you're likely to require for your current English language ability and see whether the course is available on campus or online.

Your most recent IELTS score Pre-Sessional English course length On campus or online
6.0 overall, with no component below 5.5 6 weeks On campus
5.5 overall, with no component below 5.5 10 weeks On campus and online options available
5.5 overall, with no more than one component below 5.5, and no component below 5.0 12 weeks On campus and online options available
5.5 overall, with no component below 4.5 20 weeks On campus
5.0 overall, with no component below 4.5 30 weeks On campus
4.5 overall, with no more than one component below 4.5, and no component below 4.0 40 weeks On campus

If you’ve completed an alternative English language test to IELTS, we may be able to use this to assess your English language ability and determine the Pre-Sessional English course length you require.

Please see our guide to Pre-Sessional English entry requirements for IELTS 6.5, with no component below 5.5, for further details.

Changes to Classical Studies BA (Hons)

See what updates we've made to this course since it was published. We document changes to information such as course content, entry requirements and how you'll be taught.

7 June 2022: New course pages

New course pages launched.