I Got Hired: Selin
Posted on: 28 November 2024 by Kalbir Cross in Class of 2023

Selin Kaya is a Class of 2023 MChem with Research in Industry graduate who now works as a CPD Scientist at Eurofins PSS.
How did you hear about your role and decide to apply for it?
I heard about my role through a science recruitment agency who contacted me after I uploaded my CV to an online job search site and was told I would be a good fit for the role.
How did you get to where you are now?
10000% industrial experience! Being in the industry made me realise as an analytical chemist what skills were most important into getting my foot through the door and starting my career, as well as helping me decide whether I wanted to go into GMP certified work or more into investigational analysis and method development. It also taught me a whole new side to science which stepped away from traditional organic work and allowed me to develop new skills and techniques in a career I am highly passionate about.
Your favourite experience in your role?
Definitely expanding on investigational work in method development - being able to experiment with so many methods and ideas and pushing your scientific knowledge to apply your logic in situations you would never imagine coming across! I love that I can really pursue the ‘what-ifs’ in my scientific work to their full extent 😊
The most challenging part of your graduate journey?
Having to study full time with full time industrial work simultaneously! It was hard doing a long day at work and then coming home to study even more - but it was such a fulfilling and rewarding experience, and I’ll forever be thankful for the team I worked with in my industry year.
Top 3 Tips for current students and graduates:
- You will fail one module at some point inevitably (a quote straight from Dr Gaynor in my first week of uni) and that is OK! I learned that getting a bad grade once or twice was not the end of world (something which made me spiral initially!!!) and I still graduated with a first and a bright start to my career!
- No matter what career or subject you end up going into, always go for the industry experience on your course - it will undoubtedly be the hardest year of uni and the most challenging, but it will also be the most rewarding once you graduate in getting your foot through the door to where you want to go, or at least help you decide where you DON’T want to go :)
- This one is a little boring, but honestly - if you’re on the chemistry course especially (speaking from experience) - read your course books like the Bible!!!! I cannot stress how many times I’d walk away from a lecture feeling so overwhelmed and like I knew nothing, but with a bit of light reading (10 pages at the most) not only did I understand what I didn’t before, but I felt advanced in my knowledge on it! The books have such invaluable information in them that sometimes isn’t brought up in the lectures due to time constraints, and they were like a private tutor to me! Big props to the Physical Chemistry book by Atkins!
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Keywords: Graduate, Class of 2023, I Got Hired, Case Study, Graduate Outcomes.