I Got Hired: Seb
Posted on: 25 September 2024 by Richard Finch in Class of 2023

Seb Turner is a Class of 2023 Film Studies graduate who now works as a Marketing Executive at The MAPD Group.
How did you hear about your role and decide to apply for it?
I first heard about my present role after seeing it advertised on Linkedin and Indeed. I decided to apply for the role as I thought marketing within the legal industry would be interesting, challenging, and suited to the skillset I had built up throughout my three years at UOL. The role initially drew my attention as I liked the idea of working towards improving people's lives, when someone is involved in a legal issue it's usually a stressful experience, I loved the idea of being able to make that experience easier for people, I knew that I'd find it fulfilling.
How did you get to where you are now?
As a permanent recruitment consultant, I learned how to brand myself and communicate effectively with various stakeholders. I also gained insights into the recruitment process and how to present myself professionally. Working with CVs and interviews helped me improve my own employability skills.
After working in recruitment for 6 months, I decided to pursue my passion for marketing and apply for the position of marketing executive at MAPD, a leading digital agency.
The recruitment process for MAPD was quite rigorous and comprehensive, as it required me to demonstrate my skills and personality in various ways. First, I had to submit my CV, which highlighted my relevant qualifications and experience in marketing and communication. Second, I had to write a 'WHY' statement, which explained my motivation and interest in working for MAPD and how I aligned with their values and vision. Third, I had to have a chat with two employees from the marketing team, who asked me some questions about my background and expectations. Fourth, I had to do an online interview, where I answered some behavioral and situational questions and showcased my presentation and problem-solving skills. Fifth, I had to complete three marketing tasks, which involved creating a social media campaign, writing a blog post, and analyzing some data. Sixth, and finally, I had to do a face-to-face interview, where I met the marketing manager and the director and discussed my tasks and my fit for the role and the company culture.
Throughout the recruitment process, I used the skills I gained from my film studies degree and my recruitment job to impress the marketing management and show that I was a creative, adaptable, and collaborative candidate who could add value to their team.
Your favourite experience as part of your role?
One of the things I enjoy most about working for MAPD is the diversity of tasks within my role. The group consists of over 10 law firms across the country, and my role is to provide marketing support for various firms that target different audiences and regions. This has enabled me to develop a wide range of marketing skills.
I assist my team by writing legal blog posts, updating and improving 8 websites, designing graphics for social media posts, scheduling social media content for 20 accounts, creating themed social media campaigns with specific goals, analysing monthly social media metrics, delivering Linkedin training for solicitors, writing award submissions for legal events, attending events to take photos for social media, organising internal solicitor photoshoots, and handling daily invoicing and admin duties.
What I love about working with MAPD is that I have many opportunities to enhance my existing skills and learn new ones that I have little or no experience in. The variety of my role allows me to build a comprehensive marketing skillset and I am very grateful for that in my first marketing role.
The most challenging part of your graduate journey?
The most challenging part of my graduate journey was finding confidence in the path I had chosen. After finishing your studies, it can be daunting to think about what comes next and how to make the best use of your time. It can also feel disappointing to finish your course and not immediately land your dream job (in my case, going into perm recruitment instead of marketing). I overcame this by accepting that my professional working life had just begun and that I didn't need to have all the answers or be in the perfect position right away.
I always reminded myself that I chose to do my degree because I loved working with media and I had a knack for it. If I could demonstrate my passion and skills, I knew I would eventually find a role and industry that suited me.
Top 3 Tips for current students and graduates.
- Lots of small details contribute to a fantastic CV, always think ‘what can I get involved with during my studies which I could later put on my CV post-graduation?’. Are you involved with any societies? Do you volunteer for things across campus? Could you get involved with a mentoring scheme? All of these extra details can be used to fill out the core parts of your CV and really sell your employability / persona.
- It’s okay to initially go into a role / industry which isn’t exactly what you’re looking to do! If you’re struggling to find an entry point to your desired industry look at other roles / industries with transferable skills which tend to take on more graduates. It’s important to think about the bigger picture and not get tunnel visioned.
- USE LINKEDIN. Linkedin is such a fantastic platform for aspiring graduates, not only is it possible for employers to look you up, but you can also connect and get in touch with them yourself. If you’re able to create a good profile, with consistent content, you’ll be able to further establish yourself as a trusted figure within your field / industry. This essentially allows for your profile to act as an extension of your CV (you could even include a QR code to your Linkedin profile on your CV)
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Keywords: Graduate, Class of 2023, I Got Hired, Case Study, Graduate Outcomes.