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Ms Lynn McLean
Research Assistant

LabA, Centre for Proteome Research
Institute of Integrative Biology
University of Liverpool,
Crown Street
Liverpool L69 7ZB
Tel: +44 151 794 5344

Tel: +44 151 795 4392
Email: lmclean[at]

Having been told by my father that ‘education was wasted on women’, I left school in 1967, at the age of 16, following ‘O’ level’s, to work as a junior technician with Professor R.A. Gregory at the Department of Physiology, in Liverpool. He had been nominated for a Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1954, the year that it was awarded to Linus Carl Pauling; elected a Fellow of the Royal Society in 1965 and awarded a CBE in 1971. This was my first introduction to scientific research and I was so captivated by his dedication and enthusiasm, I discovered that research was what I wanted to do for the rest of my working life.

I went on to work with other groups within Physiology, still involved in research, but with applications to patient care at the Royal Liverpool Hospital. I continued as a research technician, following my marriage and move to Toronto University, Canada, where I was involved in kidney function, measuring renin-angiotensin responses using bioassay techniques in collaboration with Toronto General Hospital. I then returned to England when I started a family and spent the next few years setting up home and rearing the children.

Following my career break, I returned to education in 1978, studying for ‘A’ levels then reading Biochemistry at Liverpool. As an undergraduate, I worked within the pharmaceutical industry using a variety of analytical techniques including GLC, HPLC to analyse the raw material used in the production of drugs. I also worked at the Dept. Endocrine Pathology Alder Hey Children’s Hospital which provided a diagnostic service for the National Health Institutions throughout the north west of England. Primarily, the work involved radioimmunoassay and during my time there I developed the assay for routine measurement of Human Placental Lactogen in serum.

Following my graduation in 1981, I returned to my role as a research technician in the Veterinary School at Liverpool where I worked with Dr R.M. Batt on enzyme function of the gut in Irish setter dogs. In addition to my own research projects, I supervised five other technicians and PhD students and ensured the smooth-running of the research group as a whole. As a result of changes within the school, I took sole responsibility for running an in-house diagnostic service, detecting exocrine pancreatic insufficiency in dogs, liaising directly with veterinary surgeons.

In March 2002, while still working within the Veterinary School, I had the great privilege of joining the Centre for Proteomic Research with Professor Beynon. This was a steep learning curve and my training in proteomic techniques began. Initially, I was involved in many exciting and varied research projects; analysis of subcutaneous gel in chicks; changes in the proteome of chicken and carp skeletal muscle; analysis of urinary cauxin in felines and studies into scent marking in mice. I continue to support our collaborating groups within and outside of the University, preparing concatenated proteins and recombinant proteins, used in behavioural and structural studies and mass spectrometry quantification.


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B.Sc. University of Liverpool


Since the Shared Research Facility in Proteomics opened in May 2011, I have provided technical support and expertise, and still continue to work on exciting projects: investigation of the differences in protein expression in testes, between two species of drosophila; proteomic analysis of the defence mechanism of caterpillars; identification of the animal species of stone-age, archaeological bone using mass spectrometry; proteomic analysis of CSF in patients with meningitis; comparison of protein expression in different strains of Salmonella; protein discovery in Sodalis glossinidius and human cardiomyocytes.

The group expanded in April 2013 when we were joined by Dr Claire Eyers and her colleagues from Manchester. I continue to have a pastoral role within the group and provide training and guidance to new staff and visitors when required.

During my working life in research, I have continued to meet new challenges and worked with exciting and dedicated people, including everyone in CPR. I am very lucky to have had a job that I have enjoyed for the last 47 years. Not many people are able to say that! I still enjoy my work, but, plan to retire in July 2016. I know that I will miss the day to day challenges that research brings. If I don’t become too forgetful in the next couple of years then maybe I can be persuaded to stay a little longer