Working at a University

Jobs at the University of Liverpool

The University of Liverpool employs over 2000 researchers, academics and technicians. New posts are advertised on the Working at Liverpool Jobs Website. You can also follow the Recruitment Twitter account for up to date jobs news.

Jobs at other Universities

Most Universities and Research Institutes advertised their job opportunities on You can also download the app from the app store.

Jobs at Partner Organisations

Universities often work in partnership with charities, government organisations, other Universities, research centres, commercial organisaitons, and subsidary commercial organisations owned by the University. Job opportunities can include:

  • Working for both organisations
  • Employed at a University but working with or even at a partner organisation
  • Employed at a Partner organistion but workiong with or event based at the University

Some of the University of Liverpools partners include; NHS Jobs, Merseybio Incubator, Liverpool Science Park, Liverpool John Moores University, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, National Oceonography Institute.