Knowledge is Power: University Postgraduate Researcher hosts first Tate residency
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University of Liverpool Postgraduate Researcher Zhuozhang Li, from the School of Architecture’s Centre for Architecture and the Visual Arts (CAVA), will run a first of its kind Tate Exchange residency, and all staff and students are invited to take part.
The week-long residency open to the public from 20 - 26 January 2020, entitled ‘Knowledge is Power: The Production of the City’, explores how urban spaces are shaped by individuals and by people in a position of power. This marks the first in a series of University led residencies that complement the first major UK exhibition of American artist Theaster Gates: Amalgam, and is inspired by the Tate Exchange theme of ‘power.’
Developed by PhD researcher Zhuozhang Li, ‘Knowledge is Power’, explores the relationship between individuals and the city which shape and create everyday urban spaces, that give power to people and communities. To echo the key messages from Theaster Gates exhibition, this project examines the identities of individuals, the practice of empowerment and erosion of the grassroots’ power. It will focus on a few areas in a global landscape, including Liverpool and Hong Kong.
Kate Spicer, Senior Impact and Business Manager from the Research, Partnerships and Innovation Directorate, who manages the Tate Partnership said: “We are really pleased to have opened out such collaborative residency opportunities to our PGR Community. This broadens participation in art and culture and increases our impact among diverse audiences. One of the unique aspects of our partnership with Tate Liverpool is our ability to bring a rich variety of research perspectives to Tate’s exhibitions and this project will add another dimension to the already vibrant portfolio.”
Come and get involved
Discover more about Hong Kong through a photography display in Tate Exchange. See photographs of the making and vanishing of Hong Kong's Kowloon Walled City. Learn more about the everyday street activities there through photos.
Contribute to a new piece of artwork, which looks at what makes a lively city. Participate in collage workshops, exploring the different layers of the City of Liverpool. Enjoy a performance by artist Mili Carnevale. Join a public discussion on Liverpool community culture space. Plus hear from activist and PhD researcher Athanasia Francis.
You can read more about our upcoming Tate Exchange Residencies and how you can be part of it here.
Staff and Student Benefits
University Staff and Students are entitled to free entry to all paid exhibitions at Tate Liverpool, Tate Britain and Tate Modern; plus 10% discount in the Tate Liverpool Shop and 20% discount at the Tate Liverpool Cafe.*
* Staff and Students must present a valid University of Liverpool Staff or Student ID Card when visiting Tate Liverpool and a staff / student card together with a Corporate Supporter Pass for entry into Tate Britain and Tate Modern.