Programme Ordinances

This section contains all the Programme Ordinances currently in force and applicable for 2023-24 to all students currently registered on programmes of study and research at the University.  Ordinances applicable in earlier years may be obtained from the Governance Team by emailing

ORDINANCE 37(A): General Ordinance for Non-Clinical Undergraduate Degrees (applicable to students who commenced their studies from 2011-12 onwards)

ORDINANCE 37(B): General Ordinance for Non-Clinical Undergraduate Degrees (applicable to students who commenced their studies prior to 2011-12)

ORDINANCE 38: Certificate/Diploma in Higher Education

ORDINANCE 39: Foundation Year Award

ORDINANCE 40: Foundation Diploma

ORDINANCE 41: Certificate/Diploma in Professional Studies

ORDINANCE 42: Personal and Professional Development Certificate

ORDINANCE 43: Degrees of Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery

ORDINANCE 44: Degree of Bachelor of Nursing with Honours

ORDINANCE 45: Degree of Bachelor of Science with Honours (for the Diagnostic Radiography, Occupational Therapy, Orthoptics, Physiotherapy and Radiotherapy/Therapeutic Radiography and Oncology programmes)

ORDINANCE 46: Degree of Bachelor of Science in Health Sciences

ORDINANCE 47(A): Degree of Bachelor of Dental Surgery (applicable to students who commenced their studies from 2019-2020 onwards)

ORDINANCE 47(B): Degree of Bachelor of Dental Surgery (applicable to students who commenced their studies prior to 2019-20)

ORDINANCE 48: Degree of Bachelor of Science in Dental Hygiene and Dental Therapy

ORDINANCE 49: Diploma in Dental Hygiene and Dental Therapy

ORDINANCE 50: Degree of Bachelor of Veterinary Science

ORDINANCE 51: Degree of Bachelor of Science in Animal Science

ORDINANCE 52(A): General Ordinance for Modular Master’s Degrees, Postgraduate Diplomas, Postgraduate Certificates and Postgraduate Awards (applicable to students who commenced their studies from 2014-15 onwards)

ORDINANCE 52(B): General Ordinance for Modular Master’s Degrees, Postgraduate Diplomas and Postgraduate Certificates (applicable to students who commenced their studies prior to 2014-15)

ORDINANCE 53: Degree of Master of Architecture

ORDINANCE 54: Degree of Master of Laws by Research

ORDINANCE 55: General Ordinance for the Degree of Master of Research (MRes) (applicable to students who commenced their studies prior to 2014-15)

ORDINANCE 56(A)i: Degree of Master of Philosophy (applicable to students who commenced their studies from April 2015 onwards and submit their initial soft-bound thesis prior to 2 September 2019)

ORDINANCE 56(A)ii: Degree of Master of Philosophy (applicable to students who commenced their studies from April 2015 onwards and submit their initial soft-bound thesis on or after 2 September 2019) 

ORDINANCE 57(A)i: Degree of Doctor in Philosophy (applicable to students who commenced their studies in 2014-15 and subsequently and submit their initial soft-bound thesis prior to 2 September 2019)

ORDINANCE 57(A)ii: Degree of Doctor in Philosophy (applicable to students who commenced their studies in 2014-15 and subsequently and submit their initial soft-bound thesis on or after 2 September 2019)

ORDINANCE 57(B)i: Degree of Doctor in Philosophy (applicable to students who commenced their studies between April 2011 and the end of 2013-14 and submit their initial soft-bound thesis prior to 2 September 2019)

ORDINANCE 57(B)ii: Degree of Doctor in Philosophy (applicable to students who commenced their studies between April 2011 and the end of 2013-14 and submit their initial soft-bound thesis on or after 2 September 2019) 
ORDINANCE 58(A)i: Degree of Doctor of Medicine (applicable to students who commenced their studies in September 2016 and subsequently and submit their initial soft-bound thesis prior to 2 September 2019)
ORDINANCE 58(A)ii: Degree of Doctor of Medicine (applicable to students who commenced their studies in September 2016 and subsequently and submit their initial soft-bound thesis on or after 2 September 2019) 
ORDINANCE 58(B)ii: Degree of Doctor of Medicine (applicable to students who commenced their studies between September 2008 and August 2016 and submit their initial soft-bound thesis on or after 2 September 2019)

ORDINANCE 59: Degree of Doctor of Clinical Psychology

ORDINANCE 60: Degree of Doctor of Dental Science

ORDINANCE 61: General Ordinance for Online Professional Doctorate Degrees

ORDINANCE 62: Higher Doctorates

ORDINANCE 63: Accredited Institutions (Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University (XJTLU) and the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine (LSTM))

ORDINANCE 64: Integrated Degree of Doctor in Philosophy and Master of Science‌

ORDINANCE 65: Certificate in Industry and Enterprise Tailored Education (XJTLU)

ORDINANCE 66: Degree of Doctor in Philosophy by Prior Publication

ORDINANCE 67: Professional Doctorates