Workshop on using mobility data in urban science - October 27th

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Save the Date - October 27th 14:00-17:30

Workshop on using mobility data in urban science 

 The ITINERANT project is organizing a workshop to bring together scholars interested in exploiting new forms of data to understand human movements. The meeting will foster the exchange of ideas on methods, tools and applications related to the use of these new data sources to better understand how people move, access and experience cities 

 Increasingly, data on human mobility are obtained from mobile phone signals and traces left through the use of mobile applications. These data sources have been employed to investigate a wide variety of urban dynamics spanning, among others, segregation and inequalitytravel choicesmobility flowsinterdependence of places and, more recently, the spread of COVID19. However, analysing these data does not come without challenges, such as tackling the problem of representativeness and bias, addressing privacy concerns and dealing with the usability of often noisy and complex datasets.  

The full program of the talks will be announced soon at GDSL-NEWS, for now save the date and register HERE.

This workshop is coordinated by ITINERANT (InequaliTies IN Experiencing uRbAn fuNcTion), a project funded by the Alan Turing Institute within the Urban Analytics Programme. ITINERANT investigates how different populations experience and benefit from urban functions leveraging mobility data at high spatiotemporal resolution.