My Internship Experience at the University of Liverpool
Posted on: 6 June 2023 by Richard Finch in Student experiences

MSc Digital Marketing & Analytics student Duong talks about her recent internship with the University's Centre for Innovation in Education
Can you please start by briefly introducing yourself?
My name is Duong and I'm from Vietnam. I'm doing my MSc. Digital Marketing & Analytics at the University of Liverpool. I am looking to work in the Marketing industry as a Marketing Analyst or a Customer Insight Analyst after completing my course, and in the long term, I aspire to pursue my PhD in Marketing and become a University Lecturer. I also have a huge interest in education and improving student experience.
What kind of work experience did you pursue and at which organisation?
I worked as a paid intern for the Centre for Innovation in Education at the University of Liverpool.
What were some of your key responsibilities as part of this role?
I worked as the Digital Education Advisor. My tasks involved creating student-facing materials to promote the use of Buddycheck - a peer evaluation tool across the students community. We explored different types of resources and came up with a combination of short-form videos, blog posts and a written guide. I really enjoyed myself in the position and have taken away some very useful tips for future groupwork - Expectation alignment (it might be worth creating a group contract), open and honest communication, constructive feedback are the key!
How did you find out about this opportunity?
I found the role on Handshake. I used Handshake very frequently for my job searching, and I found out about this position not long after I started my Master's program. The role sounded very interesting and relevant to my experience and interest, so I decided to give it a go.
What did the application process involve and how did you prepare for it?
I had to submit a CV along with a personal statement and an application video. I went to the Career Studio for support regarding my CV. Then I spent 2 days working on my application video, where I had to provide details of my previous group work experience and propose some ideas to make groupwork a better experience.
From an employability perspective, how has this experience been helpful to you?
This was my first experience working for a UK-based organisation. I got the opportunity to understand the working culture in the UK as well as workplace communication process here.
My supervisors were super helpful and accommodating. They always valued and respected my opinion and provided meaningful feedback to help improve my work.
What are some of the top skills you've picked up from this type of work experience opportunity?
I have picked Communication skills and project management skills. I have also learned some technical skills including content production, blog writing and video production.
What is your top tip for students currently looking for work experience opportunities?
A lot of students are intimidated when required to submit several documents as part of the application process. I would advise you to embrace that. Writing a personal statement or producing a video can be time-consuming, but it's an invaluable opportunity to showcase your creativity, ideas and skills. Don't be intimidated at the long application form. If you really like the position and you believe you are the right fit, invest your time and effort and I'm sure you can get it. And check out Handshake and Careers & Employability team LinkedIn frequently!
Keywords: Internship, International, case studies, work experience.