My Lab Internship Experience: Madiha Adam
Posted on: 31 March 2022 by Samantha Riella in Student experiences

Biological and Medical Sciences student Madiha Adam, tells us about her remote internship at Cagan Lab.
Remote Statistical Analysis Lab Internship Experience
In the summer of 2021, I was able to secure a remote internship with Cagan Lab at the University of Glasgow with a postdoctoral researcher who had recently completed his PhD at the University of Liverpool. My interests are related to cancer development, so it was exciting to gain some real-life experience in this area. The internship was focused on advanced coding in omics data and RNA sequencing to analyse data of colorectal cancer patients and cancer models.
How did you find the internship experience and the support available?
My internship began with undertaking a two-week omics introductory course to build on my previous coding knowledge and understanding programming software in depth before using these techniques to analyse data produced from experiments. Throughout the internship I remained in regular contact with my internship supervisor and we discussed the daily “to-do” plan every morning. My supervisor was very supportive and ensured that I felt comfortable with each aspect of the work.
What has the internship taught you?
This experience enabled me to develop organisational and independent learning skills which are transferable to working both autonomously and as part of a multidisciplinary team which is what I would like to do in the future.
“I personally found this experience to be extremely practical and beneficial as I was able to develop many employability skills from problems solving and critical thinking to adaptability and resilience as well as technical skills.”
What is next for you?
I am currently applying for graduate roles and within my applications I am writing about what I learnt during the internship. The internship has also put me in an impressive position and will be a great experience to discuss especially during interviews.
And finally, what would be your top tip to students?
Take part in an internship. The internship was an exceptionally advantageous experience and I would strongly recommend students to seek an internship opportunity.
Want to find out more about getting involved in an internship?
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Keywords: Remote Internship, Handshake, Work Experience, Lab work, Psychology Work Experience.