I Got Hired: Trainee Solicitor at CMS Cameron Mckenna Nabarro Olwang LLP
Posted on: 24 November 2023 by Richard Finch in Graduate stories

Louis Norton is a Class of 2022 Law graduate, now working as a Trainee Solicitor at CMS Cameron Mckenna Nabarro Olwang LLP.
I undertook the CMS Bursary scheme back in 2018, and have maintained my interest in them since.
After graduation, I went on to do my LPC at University of Law in Liverpool, and was lucky enough to get a place on CMS Academy (their Vacationa Scheme) earlier this year.
My favourite experience as a graduate: easily getting my Training Contract! Getting a Training Contract is the hardest and most competitive element of any junior lawyer's career and the relief felt when getting it was overwhelming.
The most challenging aspect was weirdly enough also getting my Trainin Contract! Despite being interested in CMS for a long time, it took me 4 years of applications to finally get a training contract. I got to an interview stage with CMS the year before, but other than that I didn't get passed the first stage with any of my other applications.
My top 3 tips for students and graduates:
1 - Keep at it and don't fall at any hurdle you think will stop your career
2 - Network; make and keep in contact with friends, and link with professionals in the career you are pursuing
3 - Make sure you enjoy what you're doing. Don't do a job just for the money or prestige; (of course they help) but don't be stuck in a position you don't like!
Keywords: Graduate, Class of 2022, I Got Hired.