I Got Hired: Social Media Marketing Manager
Posted on: 28 November 2023 by Richard Finch in Graduate stories

Subhan Mirza is a Class of 2022 BA Communication and Media graduate, now working as a Social Media Marketing Manager at Hayat Superstores.
Whilst studying at University I had the difficult option to figure out what I wanted to do. I decided that I wanted to pursue a carer in social media and have teamed up with a local supermarket who needed my support and experience.
Gaining the role was one battle, getting the brand to become present and have a social media presence was another. But I mean who doesn’t love a battle!
After finding what works for the brand in terms of the ethos and what our consumers love to see I knew what would set us apart from other store social media. This was from my own understanding of social media and marketing; I mean let’s be honest I am Gen-Z I live on social media and have been brought up surrounded by marketing tools and tactics.
I gained a lot from University, I learned what was needed for campaigns, companies and personal projects to prosper and what it takes to have a successful presence.
The independence after finishing Uni was daunting at first, yet it was something I loved. The world was in the palm of my hand, I could do whatever I wanted. My favourite part has to be that I have grown as an individual. Having to learn and navigate this new world has been something I have savoured, I love that there’s no set rule book I could do whatever I pleased, take as long as I needed, and navigate any field.
Whilst at University we all have so many ideas and plans, future jobs, education plans and overall plans. These plans seem so exciting and achievable, but the reality is its harder than I could have anticipated as a student.
Seeing my friends and peers going into new chapters in their life’s whilst I still figure mine out was incredibly difficult. I undoubtedly started to compare my success to theirs and attempting to understand and unfold the ideas as to why I was stuck in a rut; as you can say. But time is an important factor to all students journeys and success can’t be measured by time or how long it takes us to figure out what we want.
There are so many tips for current students I could give but her are my top 3:
1. It’s okay to be unsure about what is next in this new chapter, once you leave University. It will come to you once you’re ready.
2. Take the risk! Sometimes the riskiest options turn out to be the best.
3. Lastly, I would say to any student and recent Graduate is to be simply proud of who you are and how far you have come. We have all overcome some sort of challenge(s). So be proud of your achievements big or small. We all deserve to be proud of ourselves and our accomplishments. Wear them with pride! "
Keywords: Graduate, Class of 2022, I Got Hired.