I Got Hired: Resourcing Partner
Posted on: 4 November 2023 by Richard Finch in Graduate stories

Gabriele Gvozdaite is a Class of 2022 Law and Criminology with Chinese studies graduate, now working as a Resourcing Partner at Morson Talent.
In the final year of my studies while doing the Chinese part of my degree, I worked full-time in a recruitment role. I really enjoyed this experience and after graduation I found the role that I am currently in via Linkedin, applied for it and was successful!
The two main attributes that have allowed me to get to where I am today are self-belief and determination. I knew that the graduate job market was competitive from my experience of working in recruitment. I wanted to prove to myself that I could do well, and that if I can study through Covid, then anything was possible.
I set my own high expectations and I decided that I wasn't going to settle for anything less. Although while at university I didn't have a clear idea of what I wanted to do specifically, I knew what I didn't want to do and worked my way from there!
My favourite experience since joining the working world has definitely been progressing within my role, and being a valued member of my company.
One of the most challenging things for me has been the change from university where you have a sense of protection and structure; always knowing what is coming next, with exams, deadlines, and holidays. When you leave university, that safety blanket is no longer there and you have to face your dreams and decide if it is something you want to pursue and figuring out how you are going to do it.
My main top tips to any current student at university would be:
- Believe in yourself. Any time you have a passing negative thought, any ounce of doubt, address it straight away with the truth which is that you can do this, you have been doing this, and you will continue to surpass all your expectations. There was probably a moment in time where you didn't even think you would be in university doing all that you are doing but look at you now, it won't be easy but the little you is so proud of how far you have come.
- Learn your working and studying habits. There is no right or wrong way to learn or study and you need to understand yourself the best and find what works for you everyone has advice that they can give but you know yourself the best so trust yourself.
- A little work a day goes a long way. Have a clear understanding of when your deadlines are, word count, which topics are going to be covered and work towards them. Keep yourself organised, most of the time when I felt overwhelmed it's because I wasn't organised and get the hardest task out of the way first, don't put it off.
Keywords: Graduate, Class of 2022, I Got Hired.