I Got Hired: Project Consultant at Grad Consult
Posted on: 30 January 2023 by Samantha Riella in Graduate stories

George Theodorou is a class of 2021 Psychology graduate, now working as a Project Consultant at Grad Consult.
How did you hear about the role?
Gradconsult came and delivered a session when I training to be a Career Coach. I enjoyed the deliver so much that I made sure to remember them when it came to graduating. As I was approaching the end of my final year, I saw a role being advertised on their LinkedIn page. I applied, went through the recruitment process, and here I am!
How did you get to where you are now?
I am still at Gradconsult, a year on. My volunteering experience at university as a Project Leader for a local charity and being a Career Coach for two years really prepared me for this role. Those experiences have made a massive difference on my career so far, and I gained skills and experiences that will put me in good stead for the rest of my career.
What has been your best experience as part of your role?
My favourite experience as part of my role (apart from the team days!) is delivering to students. Every time I get to deliver a careers workshop to students, I feel grateful for my job and how I got here. I really enjoy sharing our content, and helping students and graduates navigate the world of work. The reason that delivery is my favourite part, is that if you asked me 5 years ago if I could ever present in front of a group of people, I would have thought that there would be no chance! I was way too nervous. Now, it's something I look forward to each and every time.
What has been the most challenging part of your graduate journey?
I've been fortunate in that I haven't faced any significant challenges so far, and that's thanks to working in a great team. However, there are some challenging projects that have come my way, which have been difficult to navigate. I managed this by making sure to remind myself that there are many things I love about the job, and that not everything will be perfect. This mindset has allowed me to embrace any challenges and to step outside my comfort zone.
What are your top tips for other students and graduates?
- Make the most out of any opportunity at university and beyond. Give your all to these endeavours, as you never know where they might take you!
- Remember, your first career doesn't have to be your last career. Be willing to try things out - you won't be able to find your 'passion' if you don't try things.
- Get a good understanding of your values, and use them to guide your career decisions. There's nothing wrong with whatever you decide your values are, as long as they are true to you and you can justify them to yourself - you don't need to justify them to anyone else.
Keywords: Graduate, Class of 2021, I Got Hired.