I Got Hired: Marketing and Communications Co-ordinator
Posted on: 3 November 2023 by Richard Finch in Graduate stories

Eleanor Marlow is Class of 2022 BA (Hons) English graduate who is now working as a Marketing and Communications Co-ordinator at The Regenda Group / Community Enterprise.
I had been actively looking for opportunities in marketing and communications before I even graduated, and when I saw the job on LinkedIn I just applied for it!
I just tried to put myself out there as much as possible while at university. I completed volunteering work as a student through the SOTA 300 work experience module, that gave me a massive advantage when applying for graduate jobs.
When I was little all I would tell people was that "I want to work in the office and have nice shoes." Today, I work in a lovely office in Liverpool, I get to work with and meet interesting people and wear nice shoes!
The toughest challenge as a new graduate when applying for jobs is not being deflated and just keep going. At numerous points it felt like I would never find anything I'd like to do - that there was nothing out there for me. Getting over these thoughts and powering through was definitely the biggest challenge!
My advice to current students:
- Get into volunteering where you can - even a little bit. It's a great way to develop knowledge and show enthusiasm!
- Keep applying - there will be something out there for you.
- Always say 'yes please' - for example, to more training, another experience - anything that will help build your skills.
Keywords: Graduate, Class of 2022, I Got Hired.