VR Confidence Lab Case Study
Posted on: 12 July 2022 by Samantha Riella in Graduate stories

Shakir Atoyebi, a second year PhD student in Pharmacology, came into the Career Studio and took part in our VR Confidence Lab sessions.
With 4 modules to choose from, students can improve their confidence and interview technique and get targeted feedback and personalised tips to get interview ready through Virtual Reality.
Here's what Shakir had to say about using the job simulation software BodySwaps at the Career Studio:
What was the best part about using the VR?
The best part about using the VR is that I was able to fully immerse myself in the learning experience. I was able to attend a ‘live interview’ without the anxiety that often comes with it. This aspect made the learning experience a lot more easier and interesting. I was also able to learn and practice at my own pace and re-take some sessions without feeling any sense of guilt of taking too much of my trainer’s time.
Name one skill you have improved on.
I was able to refine my spoken communication skill through the VR interview experience. I learned to pay extra attention to including some key words when I introduce myself or speak about work experiences and aspirations during an interview.
What is something new you have learnt?
I have learned how to use the CAR (context-action-reaction) method to showcase my skills and past experience during an interview. The CAR technique is an effective and efficient method to confidently communicate in interviews. I am also fully aware of the choice of words that I should include when communicating during interviews.
Did the VR help your confidence for upcoming job interviews?
Yes. Just knowing how to prepare for and how to address interview questions really boosted my confidence to communicate during an upcoming interview. I would definitely recommend the VR confidence session for every student.
*Whether you have used VR before or are completely new to it, these sessions are a great way to develop your skills and confidence and apply what you have learnt to real world scenarios. These sessions are for all students, no matter what course you are studying. You can book a VR Confidence Lab session here.
Keywords: Case Studies, VR Confidence Lab sessions, Job simulation, Interview technique, Interview confidence .