A letter to first year me: Victoria
Posted on: 24 July 2022 by Richard Finch in Student experiences

Victoria Marquis Diaz is a Class of 2022 BA Marketing with Year in Industry graduate. Here, Victoria looks back at her time at the University and thinks about what she would tell her first-year self.
Dear First Year Me,
You were scared of moving so far from home and going into a new territory which was scary and unknown. You still moved away. You were worried you wouldn’t make friends. You created more than one friendship group. You thought you would struggle and scrape by with all your assignments. You excelled.
You made a new life for yourself and lived it to max. This was all because you did what you always tell other people to do: be curious.
So many new opportunities will present themselves to you during your time at university, so make the most of them.
Try out as many things as you can during welcome week. Try out sports and societies and join the ones you like. Go to all your welcome talks, even if you don’t want to. You’ll see how you make friends in some of the most unlikely places. Join in on workshops, courses and fieldtrips to make the most of your degree. Get a part-time job on campus and apply for placements. Explore the city and don’t be afraid to send the first message after meeting someone you like.
If you try everything that is available to you during your time at university, you will feel proud and not have any regrets once you graduate.
Your Future Self
Keywords: Class of 2022, First Year Me.