A letter to first year me: Ellie
Posted on: 3 July 2024 by Richard Finch in Student experiences

Ellie is a Class of 2024 BSc Chemistry graduate. She looks back at her time at the University of Liverpool and thinks about what she would tell her first-year self.
Dear First Year Ellie!
The past 4 years have flown in a lot faster than you could have ever imagined. Thinking about who I was in first year seems like a completely different girl from who is typing you this letter. So, let’s talk you through the journey.
You reluctantly arrived with many tears to England unsure if you had made the correct decision and were worried about making friends… let me assure you this decision was the best one you have ever made, and making friends couldn’t have been easier. These people got you through some of the worst times of your life! Before you knew it, first year was over and you navigated living away from home! (You’re a pro at this now).
By your second year, your course was going well and you had settled (just a little bit) because you decided to seek out an industrial placement. You managed at the age of 20 to secure a role at the biggest pharmaceutical company in the world!! Pretty impressive I know, and you decided to plan your move to Barnard Castle in Co. Durham.
Your move to Barney had far more than the typical challenges you would expect with a shift in family circumstances. You were worried about this choice, but once again it proved to be the correct one. So, in future, try remember, every choice you make is for a reason. However, there was also a lot of positives! You learnt so much about yourself, working-life and those around you. Without this year, you wouldn’t be where you are now.
Currently, you are in your final year. You still feel somewhat like the scared 19-year-old but yet she also feels like a distant stranger. The course has been difficult but you have done so well! You are currently working as a Career Coach, a role that has added so much value to your experience. You have found a place to call home, friends from every walk of life and found new hobbies and passions you never knew would have existed. And ultimately, you are so excited for everything ahead. I’m so proud of you.
Love from
FINAL!! Year Ellie x
Keywords: Graduate, Class of 2024, First Year Me.