A letter to first year me: Dom
Posted on: 21 June 2023 by Richard Finch in Student experiences

Dom is a Class of 2023 MEng graduate. Here, he looks back at his time at the University of Liverpool and thinks about what he would tell his first-year self.
Dear First Year Me,
I know you’re nervous and excited to begin your journey at university. I know it’s a risk. I know you may have some uncertainties and questions about what lies ahead. But trust me when I say that these next four years will be great.
Firstly, well done on your degree choice. Mechanical Engineering is a really good course, and the MEng will give you great experiences and amazing friends. No need to worry about the risk either; you came here to get into cars for a career, and getting into cars is what you’ll do.
Little do you know, but you've got the perfect background for the perfect job at the perfect time at JLR. You’ll have a great time, meet some wonderful people, have no fewer than five different jobs and develop along the way. Your horizons will broaden and you’ll develop as a person and a professional.
It’s not going to be all as expected – the world may close for a while. But where there’s change there’s jobs and you’ll do okay. Things will also change outside university, as they do in any four-year stretch. Not all of these changes will be good or easy, but some will be.
Remember to take your opportunities, maximise your network and embrace the challenges. Don’t get stuck in your comfort zone! You’re here to leave it so push yourself to do so. Don’t worry too much either, you may be a bit older but you’ll make friends; you always do. Do try hard in maths though – you've got some catching up to do there.
Believe in yourself, stay motivated, and always strive for excellence. The road ahead may not always be easy, but it will undoubtedly be worth it. Whatever happens, you’ll be grand. And you’ll meet someone amazing to go through it all with. And you’ll get a really cute hamster.
Have fun!
Keywords: Class of 2023, Career Coach, First Year Me.