A letter to first year me: Alicia
Posted on: 5 July 2024 by Richard Finch in Student experiences

Alicia is a Class of 2024 BA Accounting and Finance with a Year in Industry graduate. Here, she looks back at her time at the University of Liverpool and thinks about what she would tell her first-year self.
Dear First Year Me,
You are about to begin the rest of your life, but don’t let that sound scary – it is a really exciting time! While I would definitely suggest you treat this as a challenge, it is one of the best, life-shaping challenges that you will ever have, so see it as an opportunity.
First year will be difficult as you experience your first time living away from home with new people but just remember to be your true self! You won’t be everyone’s cup of tea but you don’t need to change yourself to fit in because there are always people who will accept you the way you are!
Second year might be more challenging than you expect as you are a commuting student, but this will come with it’s own benefits – you’ll get to save your money, see your friends and family more, and build connections with uni friends from a distance before moving in with them in final year.
Your placement year will be an eye-opener for you! Although it may take a while to find your placement, the right one will open up for you and you’ll make friends in your placement, build skills and get the first hand experience of what it is really like in that role. It is the best thing you can do as it also gives you the opportunity to secure a graduate role which will let you focus on your studies in final year.
All of the work will pay off in final year when you finally get the chance to live at university and have an on campus job. You’ll make the best friends and truly make the most of the resources available to you. Final year will be one of the best years of your life!
I would definitely suggest taking every opportunity that comes your way, make friends, go out and enjoy yourself, take part in trips and events, even if it is costly, money comes back but time never will, so use it wisely to make sure you get the most out of your time at university in every way you can – academically, socially and with respect to yourself and your future career! If you can enter into university with an open and optimistic mind and see it as an opportunity and not a chore, you’ll get the most out of your experience.
All in all, there will be ups and downs, but just enjoy every moment, it’s the best experience you will ever have!
All the best,
Alicia x
Keywords: Graduate, Class of 2024, First Year Me.