If you are in financial difficulty and would like to discuss your finances, including budgeting advice, you can make an appointment with a Money Advisor via the Student Services Hub: Student Services Hub - Home (liverpool.ac.uk)
You may also find the following resources useful:
- The Scholarship Hub https://www.thescholarshiphub.org.uk/
- Disability grants (if applicable) https://www.disability-grants.org/
- ‘A Guide to Grants for Individuals in Need’ & ‘Guide to Educational Grants’ by Directory of Social Change (available from University libraries)
- Grants search https://grants-search.turn2us.org.uk/
- Scholarships and bursaries app - https://www.grantfairy.com/
- Credit lines such as overdrafts, personal loans, or credit cards https://www.moneysavingexpert.com/borrowing/
Student Services at the University offer a range of wellbeing advice and support services. Our Money Advice and Guidance Team also offer a confidential debt advice service. If you are struggling with debt, please email us on money@liverpool.ac.uk for an appointment.
If you are looking for work you can contact the Careers Team for opportunities, support, and advice: careers@liverpool.ac.uk.
Speak to a Money Advice and Guidance advisor
If you are unable to find an answer to your query on our web pages email money@liverpool.ac.uk or book an online confidential one-one appointment.