Exam arrangements for disabled students

Information about exam arrangements.

We want to make sure that disabled students can complete their exams and will work with you to identify and recommend appropriate reasonable adjustments. Examples include:

  • Additional time allowances
  • A scribe
  • A small group room
  • Rest breaks

Arranging exam support

In order to access this support, you will need to contact the Disability Advice and Guidance Team and provide appropriate evidence of your disability. A member of the team will then be able to discuss your individual needs and recommend reasonable adjustments for your exams.

PLEASE NOTE: Due to exam timetabling requirements, you will need to have provided supporting evidence and met with a Disability Adviser, prior to the university administrative deadline.  Recommendations made after the deadline date for that semester cannot be implemented until the next assessment period. 

Deadline dates for each exam period are: 

Semester One deadline 2024/25: 15th November 2024

Semester Two deadline 2024/25: 14th March 2025

Resit deadline 2024/25: 8th July 2025

Reviewing your exam support

If you think the exam support that is in place needs reviewing, please contact us.

Speak to a Disability coach

If you are unable to find the answer to your query on our web pages, please visit our Disability Coaches drop-in during term time from 11am-3pm in the Alsop Building, University Square (no appointment needed).