Disabled Students Allowances (DSA) for UK students

This section provides information about Disabled Students’ Allowances (DSAs) for UK students, how they are accessed and how to apply.

DSAs are non-means-tested allowances to help with additional study-related costs that you may have as a result of your disability.

You will not need to repay DSAs.

DSAs can help fund:

  • Specialist equipment, for example, a computer
  • Non-medical helpers who provide a range of specialist 1:1 support for disabled students
  • General expenses
  • Extra travel costs.

DSAs will not fund:

  • Disability costs not related to your course such as personal or social care.

DSA: Find Your Way is a useful resouce to help you to navigate the DSA application process.

How to apply

To apply for a Disabled Students Allowance (DSAs), you will need to submit an application to your funding provider.

You should refer to the relevant guidance and application process/forms for your funding provider:

NHS funding

If you are eligible for NHS funding, you should apply for DSAs through your Bursary Online Support System (BOSS) account.

Postgraduate student in receipt of Research Council funding

If you are a postgraduate student in receipt of Research Council funding, you may be eligible for DSAs via your individual research council. Please contact Disability Advice and Guidance to discuss this further, as the University will need to apply on your behalf.

Needs assessment

A needs assessment is an informal meeting with a professional needs assessor to work out what help you need.

The assessor will talk to you about how your disability impacts your studies and they will make recommendations for support, to be funded via your DSA.

The assessment meeting usually takes approximately 1-2 hours and you can take someone with you if you don’t want to go alone.

After the assessment, you’ll get a report listing equipment and other support you can get for your course.

If your circumstances change

If your circumstances change this may affect your support. Please contact your Disabled Students' Allowance (DSA) funding provider (eg Student Finance England) to advise them of any changes so that they can ensure that your correct entitlement is in place.



Speak to a Disability coach

If you are unable to find the answer to your query on our web pages, please visit our Disability Coaches drop-in during term time from 11am-3pm in the Alsop Building, University Square (no appointment needed).