'Monte Carlo modelling of the Clatterbridge Proton Therapy beamline for Beam Diagnostics integration' , International Conference on Medical Accelerators and Particle Therapy, Seville, Spain, 5 September 2019 (J. Yap)
'State of the art in ion beam therapy', International Conference on Medical Accelerators and Particle Therapy, Seville, Spain, 4 September 2019 (C.P. Welsch)
'Researcher Career Opportunities in India', Careers workshop, Sevilla, Spain, 2 September 2019 (N.Kumar)
'Monte Carlo modelling of the Clatterbridge Proton Therapy beam line', J S.L. Yap, M. Hentz, A. Kacperek, R. Schnuerer, S. Jolly and C.P. Welsch, Engineering and Physical Sciences in Medicine Conference 2018, Adelaide, Australia (J S.L. Yap)
'Nikhef SPIDR readout system', Medipix Meeting, CERN, Nov 2018 (N. Bal)
Speaker at the EU-corner round table during the European Researcher Night 2018 at Pavia, Italy, 28 September 2018 (C. Afonso)
'Development of the nuclear reaction and fragmentation models for heavy ion collisions in the therapeutic energy range', 15th Varenna Conference on Nuclear Reaction Mechanisms: 2018 Varenna, Italy (G. Arico’ )
'Toward a new treatment planning system accounting for in-vivo proton range verification in proton therapy', ECMP (European Congress of Medical Physics) 2018, August 2018 (L. Tian)
'A Scintillator-based Range Telescope for Quality Assurance in Proton Therapy', June 2018, ENLIGHT annual meeting, University College London, London, UK (L. Kelleter)
'A Scintillator-based Range Telescope for Proton Therapy', 2018, seminar at PART group meeting, University College London, London, UK (L. Kelleter)
'Pixel detectors in patient treatment', 2nd OMA Topical workshop, CERN, June 2018 (N. Bal)
'Halo dose correlation in a medical accelerator', Topical Workshop on Diagnostics for Beam and Patient Monitoring, CERN, 4-5 June 2018 (J.Yap)
'Proton RBE at low energies: preparation of a new radiobiology beam line at the 18 MeV proton cyclotron facility at CNA (Seville, Spain)'., Anna Baratto-Roldán, M. Carmen Jiménez-Ramos, M. Cristina Battaglia, Javier García-Lopez, M. Isabel Gallardo, Miguel A. Cortés-Giraldo, José M. Espino. II Jornadas RSEF / IFIMED de Física Médica, Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Spain), 14 – 15 June 2018 (Anna Baratto-Roldán)
'Development of a radiobiology beam line at the 18 MeV proton cyclotron facility at CNA (Seville, Spain)', Anna Baratto-Roldán, M. Carmen Jiménez-Ramos, M. Cristina Battaglia, Javier García-Lopez, M. Isabel Gallardo, Miguel A. Cortés-Giraldo, José M. Espino. 2nd OMA Topical Workshop on Diagnostics for Beam and Patient Monitoring, CERN (Switzerland), 4th – 5th of June 2018 (Anna Baratto-Roldán)
'Prompt gamma based range verification - From prototyping to clinical evaluation', Presentation at 2nd OMA topical workshop; 4.6.2018 CERN Geneva, Switzerland (J. Petzoldt)
'European medical accelerator networks and design perpectives', Workshop on “Ions for cancer therapy, space research and material science”, Archamps, France, 21 June 2018 (C.P. Welsch)
'Implementation of a Non-invasive Online Beam Monitor at a 60 MeV Proton therapy beamline', R. Schnuerer, J S.L. Yap*, H. Zhang, G.J. Haefeli, O. Girard, M. Hentz, T. Szumlak and C.P. Welsch, PTCOG 2018, Cincinatti, United States (J S.L. Yap)
'Treatment facility optimisation', OMA 1st topical workshop - Facility Design Optimization for Treatment, Villagen Switzerland, 13 March 2018 (A. De Franco)
'Application of high gradient RF technology for hadron therapy accelerators', Topical Workshop on Facility Design Optimization for Treatment PSI, Switzerland, PSI, Switzerland, 12-13 March 2018 (A. Vnuchenko)
'Accelerating Cancer Research', International Conference on Advanced Radiotherapy, Paris, France, 22-24 February 2018 (C.P. Welsch)
'Optimization of Medical Accelerators', Workshop on Intelligent Accelerator Control Systems, Daresbury, UK, 30-31 January 2018 (C.P. Welsch)
'Introduction to Ion Therapy', International School of Trigger and Data Acquisition (ISOTDAQ), Vienna Austria, 15 February 2018 (A. De Franco)
'Accelerating Cancer Therapy', IET Meeting, Ledsham, UK, 8 February2018 (C.P. Welsch)
'High-gradient results at CERN I', CLIC 2018 Workshop, CERN, Geneva, 22-26 January 2018 (A. Vnuchenko)
'Preparation of beam lines at CNA (Seville, Spain) for radiobiology experiments', Anna Baratto-Roldán, M. Cristina Battaglia, M. Carmen Jiménez-Ramos, Javier García-Lopez, M. Isabel Gallardo, Miguel A. Cortés-Giraldo, José M. Espino.1st ESTRO Physics Workshop, “Micro- and nanodosimetry for radiotherapy”, Glasgow (UK), 17– 18 December 2017. (A. Baratto Roldán)
'High-gradient structure conditioning status', 8 December 2017, CLIC project meeting (A. Vnuchenko)
'Toward the Clinical Application of the Prompt Gamma-Ray Timing Method for Range Verification in Proton Therapy', Presentation at prize award ceremony for Christoph Schmelzer Prize 2017; 16.11.2017, GSI Darmstadt (Germany) (J. Petzodlt)
'Development of the nuclear interaction models for hadrontherapy in the FLUKA Monte Carlo code', 2nd OMA School on Monte Carlo Simulations, 6th-10 November 2017, Munich (G. Arico’ )
OMA Mid-Term Review Meeting, MTR 13 November 2017, Munich (Germany) (J. Petzoldt)
'Nikef Medipix3', Medipix Meeting , CERN, Nov 2017 (N. Bal)
'Slow Extraction at MedAustron', M. Pivi, C. Schmitzer, A. De Franco, F. Farinon, N. Gambino, C. Kurfürst, S. Myalski, I. Strasik, A. Wastl,Slow extraction Workshop 2017, CERN, Switzerland, 9-11 November 2017 (A. De Franco)
'Dose average linear energy transfer calculation from microdosimetric quantities with the Geant4 toolkit: Application for proton therapy beams', A. Baratto Roldán, P. Kimstrand, A. Perales, A. Carabe, M. A. Cortés-Giraldo, XXXVI Reunión Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Física, Santiago de Compostela, Spain, 17-21 July 2017, (A. Baratto Roldán)
'High-Gradient S-band structure tests results', International Workshop on Breakdown Science and High Gradient Technology, 13-16 June 2017 (A. Vnuchenko)
'Development of the nuclear interaction models for 4He therapeutic beams in FLUKA', 1st OMA School on Medical Accelerators, 4-5 June 2017, Pavia (G. Arico’ )
'OMA Optimization of Medical Accelerators – Introduction', OMA School on Medical Accelerators, Pavia, Italy, 5 June 2017 (M. Klimontowska)
'A new method to investigate the fragmentation of carbon ions: first results for water and non-water materials', PTCOG56: 2017, Japan (G. Arico’ )
'Proton Therapy Accelerator Research in the UK', Workshop on Innovative Delivery Systems in Particle Therapy, Torino, Italy, 23-25 February 2017 (E. Oponowicz)
'Medicine – Accelerate it !', BERTI Symposium, Munich, 19 January 2017 (C.P. Welsch)
'The Dose Build-Up Effect in Proton Therapy', PPRIG workshop, 2017, Teddington, UK (L. Kelleter)
'Optimization of Medical Accelerators through international Collaboration', Proton therapy network, Manchester, 12 December 2016 (C.P. Welsch)
'Optimization of Medical Accelerators through international Collaboration', LMU Munich, Germany, 10 August 2016 (C.P. Welsch)