Vets Personal Formulary app
Vets Personal Formulary is a note taking app to support Veterinary Science students at the University of Liverpool as they embark on learning Applied Pharmacology in the second year of their BVSc course. The app is available to veterinary students until they graduate, allowing them to collate vast amounts of information on drugs, producing their very own personal formulary.
Features include:
- A structured format where students can record a variety of information on existing drugs such as clinical indications, contraindications and drug interactions as well as rating the sources of information used.
- An export function allowing students, on completion of their studies, to email their personal formulary to themselves for future use.
View the privacy policy for Vets Personal Formulary.
“This is such a handy app for learning and revising Vet Pharmacology! It really encourages students to take initiative for their own learning while making it accessible on the go, with easy input, intuitive formatting and it is all in one place!” - user review