Seeking Interview Partners for A Women’s History of the Beatles

Posted on: 9 October 2016 by Dr Christine Feldman-Barrett (Griffith University, Australia) in Posts

A Women’s History of the Beatles

In November Dr Christine Feldman-Barrett will be visiting Liverpool to conduct research about the impact of the Beatles. Christine is a Lecturer in the School of Humanities at Griffith University, Australia and wants your help with the project.

How have the Beatles influenced you?

I am looking to interview women between the ages of 18 and 70 about how the Beatles have made an impact on their lives. I am currently scheduling interviews in London and Liverpool during the month of November.

If you choose to participate, your input will be included in a forthcoming book called Beatlemania and Beyond: A Women’s History of the Beatles.

Sound interesting? If so, I would love to hear from you!

Please email me, Dr Christine Feldman-Barrett*, at for further details.

This project has been given approval by the ethics office of Griffith University, Queensland, Australia (GU Ref No: 2016/683).