Events from Sat 3rd June 2023 to Sat 10th June 2023

Cleveland Watkiss: The Great Jamaican Songbook
7:30pm - 9:30pm / Saturday 3rd June 2023
Department / Music / The Tung Auditorium

Collaborative academic and industry workshop: Personalised Health - new materials and approaches to making and using medicines
8:45am - 1:30pm / Monday 5th June 2023
Research / Workshop

Paolo Melchiorre (U. Bologna) RSC Award Lecture
3:00pm - 4:00pm / Wednesday 7th June 2023
Department / Seminar

Equal opportunities and photo opportunities: The politics of representation in the age of diversity with Prof Gary Younge
5:00pm - 7:00pm / Wednesday 7th June 2023
Department / Lecture

Dr. Rubem F. S. Menna-Barreto (Oswaldo Cruz Foundation - Fiocruz) Title: "Naphthoquinones, derivatives & Trypanosoma cruzi: an ultrastructural, biochemical and molecular analysis of the mechanism of action"
3:00pm - 4:30pm / Thursday 8th June 2023
Department / Seminar / Chemistry Departmental Seminar

Prof. Dr. Eufrânio Júnior " It Only Takes One Idea and One Quinone: On the Application of Diverse Catalytic Methods towards Bioactive Quinoidal Compounds"
3:00pm - 4:30pm / Thursday 8th June 2023
Department / Seminar / Chemistry Departmental Seminar

Jasdeep Singh Degun: Anomaly
7:30pm - 9:25pm / Friday 9th June 2023
Department / Music / The Tung Auditorium